Meldine River Company

The Meldine River Company was an important and wealthy corporation with wide trading and transportation interests, all along the length of the Meldine River in central and eastern Myruthea, which operated between 2642 APC and 4371 APC.   The company headquarters was always in the city of Zalgurim and the owners of the company were often closely associated with the political leadership of the city during the period when it was most successful.   The image at the head of the article is the Carter Dock which was a wharf and warehouses on the Hallen Canal in Zalgurim reserved exclusively for company shipping.


The company was founded during the age of the Moderators' Council in 2642, by a merger between three seperate businesses, Claxarinken Metal Holdings, the Zalgurim Water Farmers Union and Thandrew Shipping. Between them, the first two enterprises had provided more than three quarters of the business for the transport contracts provided by Thandrew Shipping. The unified entity was able to leverage its dominance on the river to absorb a number of smaller rivals and had attained a virtual monopoly over trade on the Meldine before the beginning of the 28th century.

17th Kerax, 2642 APC - 21st Pruth, 4371 APC

Corporation, Commerce

Cover image: Zalgurim - Meldine River Company Carter Docks by DMFW with Midjourney
Character flag image: Meldine River Company Badge by DMFW with Midjourney


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