The Rani was the offical title of the wife of the Raja of Katrapetch. The customs of that city, when they acknowledged a Raja as their ruler, never permitted a woman to rule, so the Rani was always ostensibly a secondary power behind the throne. There have certainly been occasions, however, when the Rani of Katrapetch wielded the real power despite the formalities of the patriarchal tradition.
Some of the best known Rani from history are shown at the bottom of the article in chronological order. Also amongst their number, was the notorious mage Clarise Vabatan, better known as the founder of the feared and (initially) secretive Sisters of Vabatan, a story related within the pages of the Diary of Clarise Vabatan.
Accoutrements & Equipment
The Crown of the Rani, is a silver crown decorated with square cut saphires, which was traditionally worn by the Rani on ceremonial occasions and is shown in the illustration at the head of this article.