Ruthema Sivaira

Ruthema Sivaira

Ruthema Sivaira held the rank of Arcane Wisdom in the Arcane Advisors at the Court Circle of Katrapetch when Clarise Vabatan started her career as a junior member of the Arcane Advisors at the Royal Palace of Katrapetch.   Born in the southern Punjuki town of Thanning, Ruthema Sivaira came to Katrapetch in her early fifties after she separated from her husband. Joining the Arcane Advisors relatively late in life, she proved to be a powerful and astute mage, and rose rapidly to the post of Arcane Wisdom.   Highly skilled in many magical disciplines, as was expected of an Arcane Wisdom, her speciality was in the field of the extraction of information from criminals of various kinds and also in the more obscure world of political espionage, where her interrogation techniques were mostly subtle but occasionally brutal. She passed some of these skills on to Clarise Vabatan.   Ruthema retired from the Court Circle of Katrapetch in 3080 APC, moving to Weryth on the south coast of Punjuki, to live close to her daughter and grandchildren.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
24th Tivith, 2986 APC
Date of Death
11th Kerax, 3103 APC
Place of Death
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Ruthema Sivera by DMFW with Midjourney
Character Portrait image: Ruthema Sivera by DMFW with Midjourney


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