The Flooding of the City
Although the sound and shock of the explosions at the Paradam were heard deep in Paratomb, for almost an hour there appeared to be no change. In reality, however, a great wall of water was percolating through newly opened faults that built pressure on the outer walls of the upper levels. At the Wall of the Lady ominous damp patches spread rapidly and the structure started to bulge as streams broke through.
Paratomb Flood - Pressure Rising by DMFW with Night Cafe
Paratomb Flood - Breakthrough by DMFW with Night Cafe
The buildings closest to the Paradam were on Highthread Street and it wasn't long before the pressure of water there found an outlet through the dressed stone walls of the city. Soon water began to erupt into this upper suburb with great force. Reports say that on top of the roar of the cascading flood, there was, for a brief few minutes, an eerie, low pitched but loud whistling sound which must have been made by some strange accoustic harmony of stone, water and disturbed air.
Paratomb Flood - The War Bell Falls by DMFW with Night Cafe
Most surviors recall that the first time they were even aware a catastrophe had begun was when the War Bell Tower fell, creating a shattering clang as the brasswork broke into the floodwaters.
Within a few minutes, water had begun to drain into the upper vaults below the inhabited parts of the city.
Vredin Tymoore had another suprise for the defenders, though. Sappers had blown the outflow tunnels where water would normally escape back into the river Sildon, creating a makeshift dam that caused the flood to backup inside the city.
Paratomb Flood - Upper Vault Flooding by DMFW with Stable Diffusion
In the upper city the normal flow rate along the engineered channels had begun to exceed the limits they were designed to allow.
Paratomb Flood - Early Mainflow Surge by DMFW with Stable Diffusion
Paratomb Flood - Mainflow by DMFW with Stable Diffusion
Paratomb Flood - Mainflow Escape Surge by DMFW with Stable Diffusion
Paratomb Flood - Street Flow by DMFW with Night Cafe
Soon almost every street in the city was carrying an increasing volume of roaring white water. Many people were swept to their deaths, dashed against the stones as they sought to find higher ground.
In less than ten minutes, the waters of the lower vaults had begun to rise and shortly thereafter it began to back up into the upper vaults.
Paratomb Flood - The Vaults by DMFW with Stable Diffusion
Paratomb Flood - The Vaults Fill by DMFW with Stable Diffusion
The worst moments came when the northern wall of the upper cave broke away. This had been slowing the flow of water but now there were no more barriers to prevent it from raging into the remains of the city. At the peak of the flood, many buildings collapsed into the streets, killing those who had sought their upper stories in the hope of safely.
Paratomb Flood - Upper Vaults by DMFW it Midjourney
Paratomb Flood - Peak Upper by DMFW with Night Cafe
Paratomb Flood - Peak Lower by DMFW with Midjourney
Paratomb Flood - Drowned Levels by DMFW with Midjourney
As some measure of calm finally returned, the vaults and large parts of the lower city remained underwater. The parliament building had been destroyed and the streets were awash with debris, dead bodies and broken stones.
Paratomb Flood - Ebb Damage by DMFW with Night Cafe
A very few lucky people were able to escape via a staircase over a newly flooded void, leading them to the long bleak pass to
Anoomenon where they would find refuge. Altogether, less than a tenth of the population survived and only some ten thousand arrived at the gates of the City of Exiles.
Paratomb Flood - Escape Stair by DMFW with Stable Diffusion