The Voyage of the Kalindy XII in The Discontinuum | World Anvil

The Voyage of the Kalindy XII

The following table shows the stops made by the Kalindy XII on the voyage of the Galactic Tourists. We pick up the trail part way through the journey where the story begins...  
System Primary Species Distance in Doplars Notes
Inskerelleryon Regular and Rho Kalindy XII : Leaving Inskerelleryon
Fer Verrilah Rho 121 Fer Verrilah : The Road
Kaka Verrilah Rho 230 Included the simultok en-route
Kaka-N (aka Kakan) Rho and Regulars 92 Part of the route of the Great Rho Exodus
Boverdon Rho
Pyritt Rho and Lambda
Araquse and Ciraquse Rho and Lambda A unique double planet culture
Vrondit Rho and Lambda
Manaminikine Lambda
Videroth Lambda and Regulars A double star system. Vital Void's main shipyards.
Staal Lambda
Exkave Lambda and Sigma Has a disputed claim to be an origin world.
Torpintox Lambda, Sigma, Regulars Infernal turquoise jungles under a baking blue sun.
Dosa Lambda and Sigma
Vanderekin Lambda and Sigma 32 Crossing into the Gaftiz Nebula after 10 Doplars.
Ohm Lambda
Ahyrax Lambda and Sigma
Huunos Lambda A former Confederacy Capital World within 16 Doplars of the heart of the Gaftiz Nebula. Site of the Soré Pool at Imne-ti-Soré
Mylamon Lambda 130
Vivavaldi Lambda and Iotans
Quia Lambda and Regulars
Esichra Iotans and Lambda Heading Galactic North, trailing and rimward
Lirito Lambda, Iotans and Sigma Exiting the Gaftiz Nebula en-route
Zanavaktim Sigma, Iotans and Epsilon
Soop Zeta A desert world
Xex Regulars and Zeta
Moute Epsilon and Regulars A world famed for its high stakes casinos
Dyviss Omicron, Epsilon and Sigma
Tomokon Beta
Avarance Mu Avarance : Sky Surfing
New Market II Regulars and Omicron
Pirri-Pirri Epsilon, Omicron and Nu 368
Shriek Regulars and Epsilon
Liq Beta
Lost I Nu Exiting the sphere of light from the Gaftiz supernova en-route
Norm Epsilon and Regulars
Zibbuton Regulars and Omicron Best known for the jungle fish and their coral harps
Apotheosis Regulars
Heton Nu and Epsilon
Cova Epsilon 16 Glass beaches ring an acid sea
Posaminion Epsilon 12
Illowa Epsilon, Delta and Gamma The site of the famous scent gardens of Nâm-Kitrool
New Squarrit Nu 116 The location of the Tin Mountain Railway
Wesswathatryne Epsilons and Eta 158 Site of the sinster singing statues of the frost forests
Yverance Ylluma 70 A Cradle World, interdicted by Confederacy Law but Kalinday XII was given special permission to visit.
Catch Caryon Eta 82
Old Rock 46 Eta and Regulars
Luth Regulars The first of the so called "Core" Worlds
Weld Regulars
Stole Regulars, Eta and Nu
Tharquon Beta and Regulars
Gollum II Regulars and Nu
JaParys Regulars 18
New Albion Regulars A stronghold of the "Quiet People"
Solaraon Regulars and Eta Here the Kalindy XII joined the route of the Major Trade Axis. They harvest fire snails at Solaraon.
Baltuik Regulars A centre of New Melanism.
Walamir Regulars 328 En-route to IsoStar Eleven, the Kalindy XII lost control of the Strip Engine, becoming temporarily stranded. It was repaired by tugs operating out of Ryland IX, then rerouted for a faster final leg to Earth via Walamir.
Isparu Regulars 320
Janine Regulars 204
Sirian Collective Worlds Regulars, Eta and Nu 230
Sol Regulars 42 The Confederacy Capital world of Earth and the end of the voyage.

Articles under The Voyage of the Kalindy XII

Cover image: Vital Void Transport Routes by DMFW with Midjourney


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