The Sphere of Mourning Item in The Disquieted World | World Anvil

The Sphere of Mourning

"All our tears,  Our woes, All of our weeping shall be held, It shall be made into a sphere of glass, Where these tears and woes may be held, Unable to be used once again, Unable to harm us."

Manufacturing process

The Spheres were made by the Choir of the Forgotten Words, and were made by condensing all of their feelings of Sorrow, Bloodlust, and their Mercy into solid spheres of crystal.


The Sphere of Mourning was created after the Veil split, in an attempt by the Choir of the Forgotten Words to become the true Gods of humanity. In a way, they succeeded, but divested from their emotions, were cruel, callous Gods.  The Sphere was sequestered on an island that the God Loris rose from the ocean, alongside the other two spheres. Upon the island, he would place hostile life, both plants and animals, so that the spheres would be left alone.   While on this island, the spheres would influence the life around them, granting a degree of sentience to the plants, and a degree of sapiance to the animals. From this, the first of the true Shapeshifters was born, mortals infused with the ability to change their flesh at will without the use of magic. The Shapeshifters would be a curious people, and would consult often with the spheres, to absorb memories and understanding from them. The Shapeshifters would build a society upon the island, and call it Thrassos.   As time passed, the sapiance of the Shapeshifters would rub off on the spheres, and the spheres would learn to speak and define their will. The Sphere of Mourning was specifically a melancholic, sorrowful soul, and came to represent sorrow and death to the people of Thrassos, as well as representing the beauty of moving past your sorrow.   After the fall of Thrassos, the Spheres would retain their intellect, but would be driven to silence by the actions of the Last King, and later the Lying Man.


The Sphere is worshipped as one of the three deities of the people of Thrassos.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
150 lbs
6x6 in
Raw materials & Components
The Sphere of mourning seems to be a solid ball of polished shale.