BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Lvl - 1 All Classes
Component - VSF
Casting Time - 10min
Range - 10ft
Target - 5 Willing Creatures in a 10ft Burst centered on you
Duration - Permanent
Save - Will Neg (h)
SR - No
Source - PHBII (Erata)


This spell allows you to store a transfer of XP from one or more creatures (maximum five), but only for the purpose of constructing an agreed upon magic item. The XP gained from other creatures through this spell is not counted toward attaining a new level. Targeted creatures must agree to the focus component that will be used in creating the magic item before allowing this spell to be cast on them. Once the spell is cast, targeted creatures control how much XP to transfer and they cannot transfer so much XP toward creating a magic item as to lose a level. You cannot accept a transfer of more XP than is needed to construct the agreed upon magic item. All the requirements for transferring XP, compensating for XP, and sharing XP costs apply to the casting of this spell. If allowable changes are made that require more XP, you must provide that XP yourself or cast this spell again to store a transfer of more XP as needed. If allowable changes are made that require less XP, the difference is returned to the targeted creatures in proportionate amounts (as per their original contributions). If you start making a magic item that is not allowed by even one of the targeted creatures, all the transferred XP is immediately returned to those creatures. If you spend at least one day making the agreed upon magic item, the XP is consumed regardless of whether the magic item is completed or not. If you start working on a new magic item after spending at least one day making the agreed upon magic item, the XP is consumed and lost (as per the normal rules for creating magic items).


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