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Wand of Orcus

Found in the catacombs of Gutterdor, this weapon always presents itself as a Bludgeoning weapon with a skull motif.

It has only been used once by KT to strike down Boh after she disintegrated Malanath.

Weapon Stats

- +3 Morphing Weapon (always Bludgeoning weapon)
- Hits as Evil
- Does damage as 1 size larger
- 1/D - Death effect on hit (Fort 10+1/2HD Neg) If successful Target reanimates 1 Rnd Later as a Zombie, under your control. You can control up to your HD in Zombie HD with this effect, any HD over go uncontrolled. Undead create w/ Weapon count towards your 4 HD/HD limit from Animate Dead
- Adds Death Knell as a spell to user as a Spontaneous spell (convert a spells same as a Cleric does Cure/Inflict)  
Legend Lore: Wand of Orcus    
Item type
Weapon, Melee

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