Aarakocra Species in The Divinium DnD Homebrew | World Anvil


Written by Mystic.m


  Aarakocra are a rare species, not often seen in civilized society except if they come about to sell their spoils. They have many forms regarding which type of bird they belong to. Smaller sparrows like Aarakocra are usually nimble and fast, avoid fighting and act as messengers. Bigger eagles like Aarakocra regularly act as hunters and warriors. Aarakocra live in small nest-like settlements, sometimes high up in the trees or in mountainous caves and cliffsides. Where they nest is similar to their Bird counterparts, and they are regularly very friendly with birds of similar subspecies. They avoid humans if possible except pigeons like Aartakocra which tend to live amongst humans and act either as criminals or messengers in bigger cities, yet are typically regarded as pests like their bird counterparts.    


Social Birds

Pigeons, Parrots,...

Small Birds

Sparrows, Doves, Finches,...

Big Birds

Kenku, Eagle, Owl,...

Character Build

The Body is entirely covered in feathers, they have birdlike Faces and Talons. Wings typically grow out of their back, and they have a set of humanoid arms. Size and color vary between species.
    Height Minimum: 130cm(4′4″)
Height Maximum: 150cm(5′0″)  

Indrid's Information

Stat Bonuses
Health Bonus: +1200
Agility: +5
Grit: +5
Expertise: +5
Authority: +5
Vitality: +5
Night Vision
Grants the character Nightvision.
Allows the character to feast. Slowly regain HP.
Increases maximum stamina by 10%.
Allows the caster to shapeshift.
Allows the character to fly.


Neutral good
Average Lifespan
30 Years