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Written by Mystic.m


  Though none truly know how the Dragonborn came to be within Thuria, it cannot be denied that they strike both fear and wonder into the common races that come across them. While they suffer a poor reputation, often likened to full-blooded dragons or rumored to be an abomination of Jhebbal Sag’s doing, Dragonborn are often noble creatures that value honor, family, and loyalty. Like their distant draconic relatives, Dragonborn is not born through live birth, but rather hatched from eggs. Despite this, they are nursed by their parents as any human child might be and weaned similarly. Their rate of maturation varies, being rapid at first; a Dragonborn reaches the equivalent of a ten-year-old human child by the age of three, before seeing a decline in aging and reaching the equivalent of an adult by the age of fifteen. Once adulthood is reached, their lifespan is comparable to that of a human.   Dragonborn have strong emotions, typically known to wear their hearts on their sleeves. They make no effort to hide what they feel and tend to expect the same forthcoming nature from others. Trust is a strong theme in dragonborn society, and though there are always exceptions to every rule, honesty is so valued among their kind that it is often thought that dragonborn never lie.   The Dragonborn come in many shapes, slender and with powerful magic, the descendants of lung, muscular and grand are the descendants of the mother dragon, or thats what they say. Most of them reside within the Divine Empire of Kuroiyuo but one can find many of them also within other continents. Their unique culture and their connection to dragons makes them into one of the most powerful species of the continent. They are often seen riding on lesser dragons within their own territory and are often in close relationships with them. Kobolts often act as their servants and slaves but they are very often seen together. At times dragonborn are seen traveling to cities which had dragon sightings or have been raided by dragons so seeing a dragonborn often is seen with suspicion of an impending dragon attack and they are derefore often treated like kings to gain their favour to make sure they dont send a dragon to kill them all. Dragonborns are a honorbound species, their proud draconic blood makes them often act with supperiority over others but they wont openly demand anything as they wish to keep their own honor above all else, insulting their honor may result in a forced duell and subsequent death of either party.  

Character Build

  Dragonborn are tall and weigh about 220 to 330 lbs, their muscular bodies are covered in scales that range in color, mostly commonly being brown, bronze, ochre, rust, scarlet, and gold. Their eyes are typically red or gold and have slit pupils in reptilian fashion. They have clawed hands and feet and horns on their head, and sometimes, but not always have draconic tails.     Height Minimum: 200cm(6'5")
Height Maximum: 240cm(7'8")    

Indrid's Information

Stat Bonuses
Health Bonus: +1700
Strength: +5
Expertise: +5
Grit: +5
Authority: +5
Vitality: +5
Night Vision
Grants the character Nightvision.
Grants natural armor.
Allows the caster to shapeshift.
Adjusts temperature depending on the current environment.
Allows the character to fly.


Usually Lawful Good
Average Lifespan
> 100 Years

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