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Written by Mystic.m


  Elves are a magical people of otherworldly grace, living in places of ethereal beauty, in the midst of ancient forests, or in silvery spires glittering with faerie light, where soft music drifts through the air and gentle fragrances waft on the breeze. Elves love nature, magic, art, artistry, music, and poetry. With their unearthly grace and fine features, elves appear hauntingly beautiful to humans and members of many other races. Humans are unsure how these creatures came to be within Thuria, though it is not uncommon to see an elf within human society.   Among the many kinds of elves which exist within Divinium most of them reside within the Fae Forest, whilst high elves have early on in their existence decided to split from the other elves, the other elves live in many small settlements within the protectorate of life. Their settlements always change with the forest so finding them will be hard but rewarding if you are an invited guest. Only the worthy get a permit to be within the protectorate of life and even some fae and elves have been cast out of the forest due to their harmful behaviors which is one major reason why many elves reside within the great divia. As not even their kin is allowed to return to that ancestral home of the elves. High elves have often seen themselves as superior to other elves which bread conflict between them. The fae lords have therefore decided to split the land giving the high elves some of their own where vast cities of elven dominion reside. It is speculated that drow has been enslaved by the high elves and are often seen working manual jobs in their cities. But since the Drow are a species that normally reside within the Underdark some believe the high elves hide an entrance to said underground landscape.   Elves are highly magical creatures connected deeply with magic and therefore find themselves with a long lifespan and an easy time learning many types of magic.    



High Elf

There are three kinds of high elves; sun elves, moon elves, and star elves. The sun elves, also called gold or sunrise elves, have bronze-tone skin and hair of copper, black, or golden blonde. Moon elves, also known as silver elves or gray elves, are much paler with alabaster skin, sometimes tinged with blue. They often have hair of white, black, or blue, but various shades of blonde, brown, and red are not uncommon. Their eyes are blue or green, flecked with gold. Star elves, which are sometimes referred to as Mythril elves, appear similar to moon elves with their light skin, and their hair is often found in shades of gold, red, or silver. Their eyes are usually violet or grey with flecks of gold, and they are considered to be strikingly beautiful, even by elf standards.  

Wood Elf

Wood elves, also called copper elves, are the most common of the elven races. They view themselves as the guardians of the forests of which they reside within Thuria. Though open to other races, they rarely venture from their forests to meet them. Wood elves typically have copper skin as their namesake implies, with green, brown, or hazel eyes. Their hair was most often black or brown, but blonde and copper red were not unheard of. Wood elves tend to be stronger than other elves.  

Wild Elf

Also known as green elves, wild elves are feral; reclusive, and distrusting of other races. They are very close to nature, living in tribal societies within Thuria’s forests. Their skin is darker than the other elven races, ranging from light to dark brown. Their hair also tended to be dark, most commonly found in brown and black. Wild elves are often thicker than the other elven races, even though they stood at similar heights.  

Aquatic Elf

Aquatic elves, also known as sea elves, are an amphibious race of elves that have adapted to life under the water. Though not as xenophobic as wild elves, they are also distrusting of other races and live in tight-knit, self-sufficient communities in calm water, coral reefs. Cautious, but curious, they like to observe others. Sea elves are tall with long limbs, with gills located on their necks and ribs, and webbing between their fingers and toes. Their skin is deep green, silver green, or blue depending on where they are from, and their eyes can be a wide variety of colors, ranging from turquoise, white, black, blue, green, and in rare cases, silver. Their hair can be blue-green, emerald green, blue, black, silver, and red.  

Avariel (Winged Elf)

Avariel are the winged cousins of the earthbound elves, built with hollow bones to aid in flight. They lived in two types of coexisting groups: “Warlike” and “Peaceful”, with young Avariel growing up in both so that they learned of each culture equally before joining one. Warlike Avariel held a complex code of honor and showed no mercy, considering surrender to be dishonorable and letting a defeated opponent live to be humiliating. Peaceful Avariel was diplomatic and reasonable and consisted of many scholars, philosophers, artists, and practitioners of magic. Their skin is pale, most often porcelain white, and their wings are often white, black, or brown. Speckles were not uncommon. Their hair is normally silver-white or black, and their eyes—which may be slightly larger than normal—are usually blue, green, or purple. Avariel are near extinct due to conflict with dragons.  

Eladrin Elf

Eladrin elves are one of the rarest elves throughout Thuria. An Eladrin is associated with one of the four seasons or environments in which they settle. They have a coloration reminiscent of that season/environment, which can also affect the Eladrin’s mood. Their appearance also varies on the variant of the Eladrin.  

Drow (Dark Elf)

The wickedest of elves, drow are seldom seen. They plot against the other elvish races, or anyone they see fit. They are the destined rulers of the darkness. They are dark-skinned with stark white or pale yellow hair. They commonly have very pale eyes in shades of lilac, silver, pink, red, or blue. They tend to be smaller and thinner than most elves.  

Character Build

Elves are slightly shorter than humans, and a bit more slender. Depending on the sub-race of the elf their appearance differs.   Height Minimum: 155cm(5'0")
Height Maximum: 180cm(5'9")    

Indrid's Information

Stat Bonuses
Health Bonus: +1300
Strength: +5
Agility: +5
Expertise: +5
Grit: +5
Authority: +5
Night Vision
Grants the character Nightvision.
  Fight or Flight
Speed and stamina regenerate boost when health is low.
When falling below 35% health gain 450 and 20% of your max hp for 15 seconds. has 60 second cooldown.
Adjusts temperature depending on the current environment.
Increases maximum stamina by 10%.


Usually Chaotic Good
~500 Years

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