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Written by Mystic.m


  A plague upon Thuria, fiends have existed for as long as the mortal races have been dabbling in the darker arts and worshiping malicious gods. While no one really knows where they come from and no fiend can recall a time before they materialize within their summoning circle, there are ample stories of darker worlds of fright and fantasy, each one more outlandish than the last. Luckily, none of these nightmarish hellscapes have been proven to exist, unlike the fiends themselves. Perhaps they are simply created from evil itself, as they are not simply evil-natured, but seem to be born of it.   Fiends come in several flavors, split into two main types: the Baatezu, more commonly known as devils, and the Tanar’ri, the common demon. They are both speculated to be immortal, but none are known to have existed in Thuria beyond three hundred years - their violent nature generally leads to their demise.   Despite the various natures of differing subraces of fiends, they share one thing in common: a desire to establish lordship over other fiends and to exist within a hierarchy of their own kind. When not bound by a pact to a summoner, they will typically gravitate toward one another and establish a pecking order among themselves. Sometimes fiendish relationships are stable and strong, participants naturally falling into an order of dominance and subservience. Others are chaotic and violent, where unyielding dominance clashes. Devils and demons tend to naturally clash, almost always defaulting to violence against each other.  
When creating a Fiend, their alignment falls within Lawful Evil to Chaotic Evil. We encourage players wishing to break alignment arcs to journal their characters' experiences that lead up to it.   When playing a cleric, it is important to note that fiends may not summon other fiends in our lore. Upon being summoned to the mortal plane, your fiend player character does not have any recollection of their life in the infernal plane. They may regain their memories with long periods of time and effort, but they will not recall who they were upon being summoned. They are usually attached to their summoner, unless they immediately overcome them and head off on their own.

Baatezu Subraces



Commonly known as pleasure devils, Brachinas are seductive Baatezu that serve as the tempters of virtuous divine agents, no matter their sex, unraveling their devotion before binding their souls through pacts of lust. Gifted greater beauty and power, the souls they harvest are all the sweeter for their fall. Brachina look mostly human in appearance with large, black feathered wings. They use polymorphism to take on the appearance of whatever their victim might be attracted to.
Brachina are a female only race.
Height Minimum: 155cm(5'0")
Height Maximum: 175cm(5'7")    


Commonly known as steel devils, Bueroza are warrior Baatezu that served their masters as front-line soldiers; steadfast fighters bound by duty to do evil. They exist only for war and specialize in killing magic-using creatures, compensating for their lack of brute strength with keen intelligence, deadly skill, and team cohesion. Bueroza range in appearance from humanoid to devilish but are always clad in steel armor colored in dark or hellish hues.   Height Minimum: 170cm(5'5")
Height Maximum: 180cm(5'9")    


Also known as assassin devils, Dogai are the unseen killers and spies that stalk the realm of Thuria under the cloak of shadows. Masters of espionage and the perfect instruments of political assassination, these Baatezu hitmen silently dispatch the rivals of their diabolical masters and kill mortals that dare to defy evil. They all look pretty similar in their normal form, having drab gray skin and mostly featureless face that bears red eyes and menacing smile.   Height Minimum: 175cm(5'7")
Height Maximum: 180cm(5'9")    

Tanar'ri Subraces



Minotaur-like demons of unending ferocity, Buleazus are embodiments of nature's violence, heavy infantry that go beyond savagery with bestial, suicidal rage. Made by Baphomet by breeding minotaurs and Tanar'ri, the Bulezau are too wild even for the Prince of Beasts. Bulezaus look like tall minotaurs but are gaunt to the point of seeming skeletal as opposed to muscular. Rather than those of a bull, a Buleazus' massive horns are curved like that of a ram, while their feet end in claws as opposed to hooves.   Height Minimum: 245cm(8'0")
Height Maximum: 270cm(8'8")  


Otherwise known as death stealers, Nabassus are aggressive Tanar'ri demons that have strong connections to undeath and are eternally hungry for souls, and possess a certain amount of greed that results in them attempting to steal treasures. They are tall creatures, resembling gargoyles with dark-scaled skin and horned heads. Their fingers and toes ended in claws and their eyes were sometimes grey, but other times glowed a menacing bright yellow. They also possessed large, leathery wings.   Height Minimum: 200cm(6'5")
Height Maximum: 220cm(7'2")  


Sinister seductresses and seducers, succubi and incubi entice important souls with vile debauchery, encouraging their darkest desires before leaving them with empty pleasure. They ultimately slay and feed on these souls in order to maintain their humanoid forms, which begin to lose their flawless wonder the longer one goes without a meal. When uncovered in their true form, they appear as a stunningly beautiful woman or man of statuesque build and perfect figure and flawless skin but also clawed fingers and large dark-hued or reddish bat-like wings mounted on their backs. Their eyes were said to smolder with sinister desire. Small horns or a tail might also be seen.   Height Minimum: 170cm(5'5")
Height Maximum: 180cm(5'10")    

Indrid's Information

Stat Bonuses
Health Bonus: +1500
Strength: +5
Agility: +5
Grit: +5
Expertise: +5
Vitality: +5
Night Vision
Grants the character Nightvision.
Increases maximum stamina by 10%.
When falling below 35% health gain 450 and 20% of your max hp for 15 seconds. has 60 second cooldown.
Adjusts temperature depending on the current environment.
Allows the character to fly.


Planar Alignment

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