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Written by Mystic.m


  The origins of Vampirism are muddled at best. Some spout tales of foul sorcery being the cause, of the wrath of some dark god. Some say that Vampirism was never a curse at all and that vampires have always existed. Vampires are undead, humanoid beings that have an obsession with blood. Everything they do, everything they are, is in pursuit of blood. The way they go about satisfying their obsession may vary from vampire to vampire, but the root of that obsession will always remain the same across the spectrum. That is their curse.   One becomes a vampire through a bite. Mortals must be drained of their blood by a vampire, during this the curse will be passed over if the Vampire has its teeth dug in for a long period of time during the RP. The vampire and mortal must then sleep or at the very least rest until the following night when they rise for the curse to be present. There tends to be a chance where it fails and allows the mortal to remain mortal.   Vampires' greatest weakness is sunlight; if a vampire is out during the day, then they are more than likely covered from head to toe to avoid the danger the sun's rays provide.  
When creating a Vampire, their alignment falls within Lawful Neutral to Chaotic Evil. We encourage players wishing to break alignment arcs to journal their characters' experiences that lead up to it.   Current players wishing to turn into a Vampire must RP a story for it, documenting their experience of turning. With the documentation you can request the curse through the ticket system. The team will judge whether or not the RP was enough to earn the curse IC.

Character Build

  A vampire will typically have a charcoal gray or alabaster skin tone supported by eyes of a crimson hue with varying intensity based on age. Hair color will vary, and their unnatural appearance can be hidden through magical or more natural means to appear more “Mortal”. The fangs of a vampire are elongated, retractable maxillary teeth used to pierce flesh and allow the vampire to gain access to blood for feeding purposes.
Their appearance varies depending on the species they belonged to before becoming a vampire. See the appropriate articles of other races for information on the minimum and maximum heights.    

Indrid's Information


You will need to pick Afflicted race to access this class-race.
When Reaching Level 100 you can only pick 1 of the rewards mentioned.
  Stat Bonuses
Health Bonus: +1500
Strength: +5
Agility: +5
Grit: +5
Authority: +5
Vitality: +5
Night Vision
Grants the character Nightvision.
Allows the character to feast. Slowly regain HP.
When falling below 35% health gain 450 and 20% of your max hp for 15 seconds. has 60 second cooldown.
Grants temperature immunity.

Available Classes

Vampire Mage
Vampire Warrior


Usually Evil
Average Lifespan

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