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Written by Mystic.m


  The most common type of were-beasts within Thuria and Faerun would be werewolves. A werewolf is a humanoid that shifts into a bestial hybrid when certain conditions or experiences are met. Found in all climates, both in the wild and hidden in civilization, their appearance is frightening in nature and their behavior is unpredictable. Ritual-born, otherwise known as Cursed Werewolves, tend to hide themselves due to their more feral nature, while Born Werewolves may have adopted more human reasoning. Most werewolves will have common triggers: the scent of blood, simulated emotional events, and, of course, the unavoidable moon and its phases. Despite being born or made, werewolves have two substances used to hinder them or cause their deaths if left untreated, silver and wolfsbane.    


A born werewolf tends to have more control over their nature and transformations which comes from the bloodline passed down from parent to child. This does not mean they will not change during a full harvest, blood moon, or by any other trigger, but are able to delay the effect with a reasonable amount of mental control. (Ex: Willpower check)    


A ritual-born werewolf does not receive their blessing from the parent but through a ritual from a selected god/deity. While the effect of the ritual does not change the wolf’s strengths and weaknesses, it does necessitate an anchor for control and understanding. Ritual werewolves will almost always have an immediate reaction to their triggers until they learn better control. The more recent the curse, the more susceptible they are. A bite also falls in this section.  
When creating a Werewolf, their alignment falls within Lawful Neutral to Chaotic Evil. We encourage players wishing to break alignment arcs to journal their characters' experiences that lead up to it. Current players wishing to turn into a Werewolf must RP a story for it, documenting their experience of turning. With the documentation you can request the curse through the ticket system. The team will judge whether or not the RP was enough to earn the curse IC.

Character Build

  Werewolves retain their humanoid appearance when not in their shifted form, but sometimes develop more bestial-looking eyes and perhaps slightly elongated canines. These features tend to be subtle, allowing them to remain adequately integrated into most normal societies when they need to be.
  The height of your Werewolf Character is dependent on the form they have while not shifted which depends on their race. Please refer to the appropriate articles on other races to see how tall or small your Werewolf PC can be.    

Indrid's Information


You will need to pick Afflicted race to access this class-race.
When Reaching Level 100 you can only pick 1 of the rewards mentioned.
Stat Bonuses
Health Bonus: +1500
Strength: +5
Agility: +5
Grit: +5
Authority: +5
Vitality: +5
Night Vision
Grants the character Nightvision.
Allows the character to feast. Slowly regain HP.
When falling below 35% health gain 450 and 20% of your max hp for 15 seconds. has 60 second cooldown.
Grants temperature immunity.

Available Classes

Lycan Mage
Lycan Warrior


Usually Chaotic Evil
Average Lifespan
> 100 Years

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