Emberage Character in The Draconian Plane | World Anvil
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The many agreements and alliances that knit together Lux's dominion in the Great Sea and beyond require constant maintenance, and the adult red dragon, Emberage, serves as Lux’s diplomat to the powerful. She wears long silks studded with thousands of diamonds around her body. Emberage works tirelessly to increase the power and prestige of the red dragon’s court. She has orchestrated wars to please her mother’s slightest whim and overthrown dynasties for the crime of irritating the matron. Emberage enjoyed her mother’s favor for a millenia and was her mother’s favorite daughter, until 500 years ago when a conflict with the Islands of the Sun cost territory and the lives of several red dragons.   Though Emberage and Lux’s court eventually came out on top, the duration and cost of the conflict displeased Lux enough to force Emberage off of her original island. Emberage now schemes to humiliate Flare and retake her spot as her mother’s favorite.   To properly claim her role as ruler of the sea, Lux maintains a small but respectable navy.
Aligned Organization
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