Myconids Species in The Draconian Plane | World Anvil
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There are a any number of odd denizens that call the Starless Mire home. Most notable of these are the mushroomfolk, more academically known as "myconids". These odd, towering creatures act as self-appointed wardens of the swamp – truly neutral creatures as concerned with the well-being of the moss as they are the lives of men.   Despite their lack of mouth and inhuman form, the mushroomfolk are undeniably intelligent. While they are mostly seen tending to flora in the swamp itself, it's not unheard of to see one of these walking plants stalking through Slew on some inscrutable errand.   The goals and motivations of the mushroomfolk are one of the swamp's mysteries – they either lack ambition all together, or are acting in accordance to some greater plan inscrutable to the human mind. Whatever the case, it's an unwritten law that the humans and the myconids leave each other be - co-existing uneasily side-by-side.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

There are as many types of mushroomfolk as there are mushrooms. While most travelers may only ever encounter one or two varieties, those who spend time around the Starless Mire are likely to encounter many others.   Mushroomfolk tend to organize into castes, based on the qualities they naturally possess.
Dark, patient eyes look out from beneath the broad brim of a mushroom-capped head. It turns and lopes away on milky-white limbs as thick as tree trunks, a dusting of prismatic spores drifting in its wake

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