Starbright Character in The Draconian Plane | World Anvil
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By and large, dragons do not value devotion to the gods. Time for prayer tends to cut in on time for rest, admiring their wealth, and acquiring additional wealth. Lux’s grandson, Starbright, never paid any heed to the gods, content with his station as another member of Lux’s brood. He took great pleasure ransacking seaside communities and built up a reputation as a fearsome marauder. Starbright thought himself unbeatable, until a close call with a dragon slayer left him alive by the faintest chance. Since then, Starbright has found religion - evangelizing Torht the Quick, God of Fire.   After his "rebirth," Starbright caused a great stir in the court - caring more for his faith than gold. To the surprise of many, Lux saw a new opportunity in her otherwise unremarkable son. She installed him as the court’s religious leader and gave him the title "Lord of Burning."   Starbright is intense and demanding. He dedicates all his passions and effort to furthering his devotion to the Burning Lord, focusing his attentions on spreading the word of fire worship (and draconic rule) to islands large and small, like a zealous missionary.
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