The Blazing Isles Geographic Location in The Draconian Plane | World Anvil
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The Blazing Isles

This large group of islands sits in the Great Sea to the West of Grayhaven. They are the location of many volcanoes that constantly spew forth lava and ash, giving the islands their name. On the islands not threatened by an active volcano, the volcanic soil and frequent rainfall has allowed lush jungles to grow up and support a vast multitude of wildlife. In ancient times the islands were home to a great empire of kobolds and lizard folk, but it seems that most of them were wiped out or enslaved when the drow arrived and claimed the islands for themselves. If you are on an island without a volcano and somewhat large, you are probably on an island hiding a drow city below its surface. Sailing among the Isles can be difficult due to the constant mist and frequent reefs. The drow cities are in constant competition with each other. Ultimately, I would suggest you steer clear of these dangerous islands.
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