The Vanishing Isle Geographic Location in The Draconian Plane | World Anvil
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The Vanishing Isle

Tales of an island that appears from the mists, only to vanish again are told by bards across the length and breadth of the Great Sea.   The most persistent rumors come from sailors who have attempted the treacherous waters west of the Golden Archipelago. There are men and women who swear on their lives that they’ve set sights on a beautiful island paradise surrounded by shipwrecks, only to see it fade before their eyes. In truth, this "vanishing isle" does exist - just not on the Material plane.  

Secrets of the Vanishing Isle

The Vanishing Isle was the creation of a powerful nature spirit called Velethue, who brought an island from the Plane of Faerie to the edge of the Material Plane to act as a haven for the hopeless.   A mighty fey lord - Velethue was the embodiment of peace and serenity, resembling a unicorn made of living leaves and flowers. The Material Plane grows increasingly thinner the nearer one comes to the edge of the world, allowing other planes to cross through more easily. For many years, Velethue observed the mortal world from her idyllic island paradise - witnessing mortal after mortal perish in the dangerous waters near her island home. Always they were in pursuit of some fleeting thing, such as wealth, fame or love. Never were they content with the simple life they already had. She watched sadly for many long years as they plunged forward, oblivious to their impending downfalls. At last, intrigued by the creatures and their needless waste of life, she resolved to protect them from their own destructive behavior and help them find peace.   Using her life force as a bridge, Velethue tapped into the magic of the Plane of Faerie and drew her island closer to the Material plane - allowing it to exist in both planes at once. She made the island a paradise for mortals, shrouding it from sight, blunting its dangers, and calming its wildlife. In the centuries since, each time a mortal has passed near her home whom she deems in danger of death, Velethue commands the ocean currents to bring them to the island - safe from their mortal doom.

Paradise of Ignorant Bliss

The Plane of Faerie operates under magical laws very different from the Material Plane, and mortals cannot dwell their long without being changed by it. The Vanishing Isle’s connection to the Plane of Faerie makes its residents immortal and forgetful of their past. Velethue has been pleased to see that loosing the memories of the Material plane leaves mortals peaceful and content. Indeed, it seems to be the only thing capable of doing so.   To protect the innocents of the island, Velethue has shrouded it in impassible currents and dense fog that hides it from all outside eyes. However, these same protections make the island impossible to leave for anyone who is brought there.   The only way to leave the island is to break the enchantments that protect it. If this were done, the island would become wholly part of the Material plane, and bring an end to its blissful existence.  

Welcome to Home

  Not long after landing, those who are brought to the Vanishing Isle begin to lose their memories. They are soon found by the other residents of the island - the peaceful villagers of Home.   Velethue is undiscerning in her invitations to paradise. The village of Home is made up of dozens of folks from not only different walks of life, but entirely different eras. What began as little more than a sandy camp house blossomed into a perfect, idyllic community, where everyone works together to harvest the island's bounty and share in each others prosperity.   Due to the island’s memory-wiping waves, the residents no longer remember their past lives, or anything of the mortal world beyond the island. All grudges and prejudice are forgotten. Blood-thirsty pirates, religious missionaries, drow, dwarves, goblins and more can all be found in Home - contented neighbors working side by side.   Though they cannot miss what they don’t know, the evidence of their previous lives is abundant. History-displaced people stick out from the already colorful crowd of Home.


Cave of Empty Wishes

  Hidden among resplendent ferns and swaying palms on the eastern side of the island is the Wishing Cave. Parting the flowering vines - which guard the entrance - allows for the incredible light and dancing illusions of the Wishing Cave to momentarily escape. Inside the cave, a small pool of crystal blue water ripples and gently washes back and forth. The ocean spray refracts in the air with magic, creating incredible, life-like images. These images are often catered to the occupants of the cave, revealing to them people, treasures, and wonders of past memories and dreams alike. A childhood friend, an old lover, a father’s lost sword or royal heirloom may appear in the chamber. The illusions feel entirely real, but after only a few minutes, the cave’s waters stir once more and new illusions replace the old.  

Frog's Well

A faint, warm light pulses from the bottom of this ancient well. Located within walking distance of Home, the Frog’s Well was dug in the island’s earliest days. The bottom half of the well opens into a pristine blue-green grotto covered in brightly colored bullfrogs. The plump creatures cover the interior grotto and the inner sides of the well. The frogs keep the well water in pristine condition but when villagers raise the water bucket up, a colorful frog will be swimming in it. The villagers are fond of the well frogs and consider finding more than one frog in a bucket to be a sign of good luck. Routinely, the frogs enter into a trance-like state triggered by lunar patterns. During this time, the creatures' croaks thunder from out of the well.  

Pink Beach

On the northern side of the island, secluded behind the mountain, is a marvelous beach of bright pink sand. Hundreds of red, pink and white starfish cover the area. The tide pools off the beach team with life – fluorescent starfish radiate light and dozens of chirping, pink crabs click their claws excitedly at visitors. The beach is not without its dangers, however. Living in the flooded caves that border the beach is the dire otter, a huge predator. The otter drives itself into a frenzy when trespassers come into its territory.  

Hammock Canopy

Dozens of comfortable hammocks are strung up at the top of a grove of towering trees, created hundreds of years ago by villagers looking to take in the natural splendor of the Vanishing Isle. The hammocks provide rest, relaxation, and a spectacular view of the island and its dominant mountain. The hammocks provide a deep and fulfilling rest, curing sickness, disease and general melancholy. At times, villagers may spend entire years or longer resting in a hammock. The gently swaying hammocks quell restless minds into contentedness and into a healing trance.  

Blessed Grove

A wondrous orchard of fruit trees. All the trees produce several varieties of fruit - apples, limes, plums, cherries, and even melons can be plucked from the same tree. The fruit is always ripe and perfectly in season. The orchard is arranged in criss-crossing patterns, a dizzying maze of colors and scents. Velethue personally created this orchard, dragging her great antlers through the rocky soil, magnificent saplings swelled to great heights and the Blessed Grove was born. Bushes and trees in the area naturally take on the shape of a great stag, created by the influence of Velethue’s powerful aura. Fruit picked from the grove never rots or turns sour, maintaining its freshness indefinitely.  

The First Fire

At the island’s westernmost point is a burning bonfire, still raging from the day the young refugee, Ombi, washed up on the Isle’s shore. The young boy, desperate to survive, used the wood from his own raft to make the fire. Velethue was fascinated by her island’s first occupant, engaging with the boy far more than she would with future citizens. To ensure the boy’s survival, Velethue sent a candle bogie to keep the boy’s fire going once the raft burned up. The candle bogie did as it was asked and remains in the same spot, keeping the fire burning still. Villagers acknowledge the area as a holy place. They make regular offerings to the flames and find its heat reassuring. The candle bogie is happy to devour whatever offerings the villagers make.
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