Divine Entri

Additive Race

Nearly any race can be a divine entri, as the corruption is primarily only within the soul. A divine entri is an entity that has had their soul either merged with or created from a domain anchor, and as such uses a divine soul rather than a mortal soul, and has a divine spark within their being. Physical and mental corruption can occur from being a divine entri, however what exactly it is depends on the individual's divine spark. Each Domain's lore page will include information on the corruption that can be expected of that domain's divine entri.  

Racial Magics

Divine Entri, having divine sparks in their souls, are able to use domain magic. What exactly they can do depends on the domain(s) their spark is from, as well as the individual themselves. They often gain access to new domain magics, sometimes referred to as edicts, as rewards from pleasing their patron god(s), but they can also gain more by using and experimenting with the authority they already have, filling out their control of the spark themselves. Due to having a divine spark within them, divine entri can also be used as living shrines to their god.   When a divine entri is slain, they are able to reform at holy ground or a greater spark that they know of, forming a new body from scratch; if they don't have a particular location to respawn at, they simply reform within a realm belonging to their god. Excluding familiar items and similar products, any items on the entri's person at time of death are left with their corpse.   Depending on the domain(s), additional, non-domain magics are commonly possessed as well, such as divine entri of Icae being able to use normal lightning magic.   Specific abilities common among a domain's entri will be detailed on the domain's lore page, though there can always be outliers with abilities slightly outside the norm while still being supplied by their divinity.  

Creation of a Divine Entri

Natural-born divine entri are created from the essence of their god, created to carry out the god's will, serve the god's warlocks, and/or, in some cases, simply be the god's companion, child, or pet, or any other reason. The other popular method for the creation of a divine entri is for a mortal servant of a god to get special recognition from their master, and have their mortal soul devoured into the anchor, ascending them into divinity.


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