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Beasts of Legend

Ki-Rin & Phoenix

According to legends, the Ki-Rin and the Phoenix are brothers, originating from Tengoku. Each of them represent good fortune, wisdom, and honor.
The Phoenix appear as a large flaming bird in all the colors of the rainbow, and its entire being is the perfect combination of all five elements. According to some stories, the Phoenix turn to ash at the last moments of sunset, and during the night is formed together again, until it once again blazes with life and becomes whole again as the first rays of the sunrise come.
The Ki-Rin is said to have fur like silk, with a single horn of pearl extending from its forehead, and its eyes are of the purest jade. Legends say that with just its gaze alone it can cripple the corrupt. Those who are pure of soul who look upon it will be blessed with swiftness and good fortune, and will never fall to corruption or sickness.


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