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Big Dangers


Often called Ratlings, these rat-like people mostly dwell in the southern lands, though a few have been spotted in different places in the Empire. The Crab and the rest of the Empire have no idea to their true numbers, but suspect their southern tribe to be about the size of the Crab clan.
Elders say that there used to be many more of them to the south, and few claim to have heard rumors that there were tall structures and buildings where the nezumi lived, but no one in current times have been able to confirm these tales.
These days, the nezumi aren't a direct threat to the Empire at large, but they have become increasingly annoying for the Crab, and have fought with some of their patrols on occassion.


Often mistaken for trolls, and vice-versa, these giant brutes stand much taller than any human, with a powerfully muscled physique. For many generations, the people of the land have feared these monsters, who attack villages like bandits would and make off with livestock and people alike. Horrifying stories spread from such attacks, as those who were carried off where never seen again.
The ogres focus only on fighting and strength, and they believe that anything they can take by force is theirs by right.
Ever since the arrival of the Kami, ogre sightings have become rare and almost unheard of. Some suspect that it is because the ogres fear the Kami, while others worry that they are preparing for something big. Ogres have been observed fighting Nezumi, so there is some speculation that maybe the ogres have chased the rats out of their homelands.


Massive sea serpents with shimmering green scales found only in the vast ocean. It is said their eyes are like gold under the light of the sun, and jet black under the light of the moon.
Only the sailors who venture far from the coast have seen these creatures, and many a sailor will tell the tale of how an orochi either saved their crew from a storm or crushed the ship in its powerful coils.
Much is yet to be learned about these creatures, and certainly a quest that would come with great danger.


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