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Shapeshifter Spirits


Cat-spirits hailing from Chikushudo or Sakkaku, bakeneko are mischievous and manipulative creatures said to play pranks on humans whenever they can.
In their natural state, they resemble household cats with glowing eyes. Some claim that the bakeneko can change shape into anything they want and can even turn substantial. When threatened they can supposedly summon wisps of fire, and they will drink lamp-oil to fuel this power over fire.


Divine protectors from the Heavens, these are often called houhou too. They are said to be connected to the legendary Phoenix that dwell in Tengoku, from which the Phoenix Clan take their name. They are said to be beautiful birds with brilliant, flame-colored plumage that can never truly die as long as they are in Tengoku.
It is incredibly rare to see a fushicho, as they probably only leave the Heavens when absolutely nescessary.


Inu, or Inugami, are shapeshifting dog spirits from Chikushudo. They are said to bring good luck, and some have stories of loyal spirits that protect a child from infancy to old age, or even an entire village. Because of this, many think that these spirits prefer human company to that of other spirits.
Some tribes had traditions of using wooden dogs as charm to protect children.


Good-natured trickster spirits, the Kitsune are perhaps one of the most well-known shapeshifters known to humans. There is no clear consensus yet if they hail from Chikushudo or Sakkaku, but at least there is agreement that these spirits can as often be the source of good luck as well as petty acts of revenge on humans who don't show proper respects to gods and spirits.
When appearing as humans, it is said that they are always beautiful with green eyes, no matter the gender, but often with small hints to reveal their true nature such as a fox-tail peeking out from the clothes. In their natural form they appear like foxes with unusual coloring, and some are said to possess multiple tails.
Some people tell of legends where a kitsune falls inlove with a human and renounce their spirit-nature to live as a human with their love.


Little is known about these shapeshifting bat spirits known as Koumori. It's said that they can see with ease in absolute darkness and that they are creatures of the night. The few rare stories surrounding them say that they are a good omen that drives away evil ghosts.


Similar to the Fushicho, the Ryu are shapeshifting dragon spirits that hail from the Heavens. It is said that they serve the heavenly dragons, and they are their messengers and warriors. In their natural form they are flying serpents with scales that shimmer with many hues, and when appearing as humans it is said that they always appear with noble features and a regal air.
Most of their sightings have been in the northern mountains, particularly near the Emperor's abode, and many speculate it is a sign of Tengoku's blessing. More troubling news is that the exiled Yobanjin seem to hunt down any Ryu that stray too far from the protected lands of the Empire.


Shapeshifting monkey-spirits, who are supposedly short, squat, and hairy even in their human form. Despite this appearance, they are said to be clever and nimble, but also destructive to their surroundings as their pranks rarely amuse anyone but other Saru.
Long-lasting folk tales say that if you are beset upon by a harassing monkey-spirit, you should spill grains on the ground in front of them because they cannot leave until they have picked up and counted all the grains.


Said to originate from Chikushudo, these shapeshifting badgers are known to be jolly, friendly, as well as short of temper. They do nothing halfway and will always see through any challenge or desire. Those who displease them suffer malicious pranks, and those who treat them with kindness are said to be rewarded thoroughly.
Most shapeshifters tend to prefer human-forms to play their pranks, but tanuki prefer almost exclusively to appear as inanimate objects.
A sure way to earn a tanuki's friendship is to provide them with plenty of good food and drink.


These crane-spirits often resemble the mysterious kenku when they assume their humanoid-form, though with the patterning of elegant cranes rather than ravens or crows. In their true form, they are large and incredibly beautiful birds, larger than even a regular crane.
Scholars claim that they are drawn to beauty of all forms that can match their own, be it music, poetry, or landscaping, and some believe that the lands of Lady Doji is becoming home to a large number of these creatures.
They aren't known to be cruel or mischievious, but they are rather aloof to those that cannot meet their standards for beauty and elegance, so most would call them arrogant or prideful.


A rare sight to see, the hare spirits appear as an even swifter small hare. Many consider it a sign of great fortune to catch a glimpse of one, and those who claim to have seen one say it was as white as snow even outside of the winter season.
Little is known about them as they tend to avoid humans, and often run away long before a person will have a chance to catch a glimpse of them.


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