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The Five Races


Originating from the element of Air in the primordial times, Kenku are bird-like humanoids. They are covered in feathers - similar to a crow or raven - and possess claws instead of hands, and their lower-body often have bird-legs instead of human-legs. It is said that they can shapeshift into humans, but will always appear as long-nosed old men.
Scholars say that Kenku have some form of honor similar to that introduced by the Kami, but changed by the realm of Sakkaku where they make their home. Some old stories from the times of the tribe say that the Kenku were the ones to teach humans how to make and use swords.


The feline Kitsu are connected to the Void more than most other creatures. They are described to have thick fur that is golden and luxurious, with eyes that shine like crystal. They appear either as large predatory cats or feline humanoids, but it's speculated that they can also shape form into smaller cats in order to sneak into human settlements.
Finding a Kitsu is a very rare discovery, and the only sightings recorded in recent history since the Fall of the Kami are from the foot of the northern mountains. There is no knowledge on where they might live or travel to when not in Ningen-do.


The merpeople of the sea have long been spoken of in the land, and these creatures are strongly connected to the element of Water. From the waist up they resemble humans, except that their fingers are webbed and they have no lips. Their lower body tapers into serpentine shapes with broad fins, and their entire skin is covered in smooth shimmering scales in various hues.
It's unknown if the Ningyo are creatures of Ningen-do or some other realms, as there have been many reports and stories over generations from people who live by the sea or travel its waters.
The stories of Ningyo vary wildly of whether or not they are peaceful or violent.


Giant and misshapen, with eyes that shine like Fire, reflecting their deep connection to the destructive element, trolls are hideous creatures with a penchant for violence. They stand taller than the tallest of men, with flabby bodies that often have abnormally long limbs. They possess protruding jaws with large teeth, and its said that their red eyes can be seen shining in the dark.
People living in the south and south-east have long lived in fear of the violent giants, who thankfully with the arrival of the Kami would draw further down south to settle in the bogs and marshes there.
However they have begun to be sighted closer towards human settlements again.


Small and hunched humanoid reptilians, the Zokujin are also known as Copper Goblins because of them often being found in caves and mines where precious metals are found. They have green skin, luminous eyes, sharp claws, and spiky protrusions on elbows and shoulders. Their scaley skin have a metallic hue that seems to dull with age.
While the aren't recorded to be violent, they are territorial and have been known to chase humans away from mountains and hills.
It is said they originate from the elemental Earth, and their voices sound like rumbling rocks.


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