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The Unaligned People of the Empire

  While Emperor Togashi decreed that all who dwelled in the land of Rokugan would join the Empire or leave, there exists still many pockets around in unclaimed territories that do not owe their allegiance to the Emperor or the Clans, though they grew fewer and fewer every year as the reach of the Kami stretches even further. For many, they simply refuse to change their way of life from before the Kami's arrival, others do not trust the Kami, some just don't care one way or another, and there are those who are just living their lives as they've always done until they will be forced to make a choice. 

The majority of these are just regular folks continuing on about their daily lives for the most part, while there are pockets of those who try to resist the Kami's influence. 


The Ronin

Ronin, or Clanless, are people who engage with the Empire to some degree, but without owing fealty to one particular faction within. Some of them are wanderers out exploring the world and honing their talents, others are looking for work as sellswords, and some just want to learn more before they make any choices. Overall, most of these are mistrusted within the Empire as they are regarded as outsiders who refuse to take part in the larger community, but there are a few ronin who manage to make a living this way and carve out their own little path in an ever-changing world. 

However it is a rough life to be a ronin, as you often end up with many uncertainities in life, wondering where the next warm meal will come from or how you will make it through the winter. Many give up in times like those, and end up joining a clan, or return to their homes to live a simpler life.



Mystics, monastics, hermits, or wise ones have existed in the land even before the Empire, but now more of them are referred to under the umbrella-term of Monk. In contrast to ronin, monks seem more interesting in an ascetic path of spiritualism and philosophy. Some settle down in remote places to further their philosophy, while others travel around to spread their ideas and stories. One of the most (in)famous monks doing such these days is the one known as Shinsei, who according to rumors have been almost everywhere in the Empire to spread their ideas of a Tao. Word also has it that Shinsei visited the Emperor himself not long ago, providing him with wisdom only a human could. 

Then there is a newer type of monks, related to the creation of the Four Temples. Those working in these temples are people who have dedicated themselves to a path of humble living to teach and help others, where most of them work with helping their local community with small tasks and teaching literacy. Unlike solitary monks, members of the Four Temples undergo training with their seniors as tutors and learn how to walk the path of philosophy and altruism. 


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