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Accidents happen, right? Intent included. But as things continue to crumble, is it right to blame someone?

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A bit large, but for their kind, falls on the shorter end after having a malnourished upbringing.

Body Features

Their fur is thick, but they've made it their goal to get it as soft as possible. A goal that won't and can't happen but they can dream.

Facial Features

Unlike most urban capricorns, their head takes on the form of a goat, which is the case for the wild species of their kink.

Identifying Characteristics

They can easily be identified by their horns, rectangular pupils, and their unusually poofy tail

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Travellers of all backgrounds will often seek entertainment on their paths, but what they hear could very well not be what they'd imagine. Such was the case of two captured wild capricorns, their years spent in the woods turning into years spent on the road, entertaining masses and drawing intrigue from many. These tales, therefore, were ultimately all they've gotten. Although they thought nothing much of this life, tales of freedom and liberation soon garnered thought among them, ultimately giving birth to a plan: escape.   But, of course, the escape of seven foot tall beings would be impossible, they figured, the plan simmering into dust only to emerge once they had a son. Considered a new edition to their act, their plan was revived, and under the cover of night, they'd send him off, the child finding refuge and a better life.   Of course, one can only expect so much from a child. Initially, he exhibited his confusion, questioning his parents in hopes that they would let him remain. With promises/hopes of a better life, however, the child was convinced and set off. Unfortunately, the first half hour alone plagued him with hunger (albeit minor), leading him to turn around and head right on back. Confused, but understanding, they sent their child off once more, this time with a full stomach.   Direction being lost on him and with another half hour of tiring travel, the kid gave himself a routine: rest during the day, travel during the night. But fitting in everything in between was, of course, lost on him since the apple simply didn't fall too far from the tree. So upon his arrival in Glitterhaegen, his stomach drove his mind, almost automatically. Scavenging became as natural as breathing, theft became second nature. By no means did the months go comfortably, but he would be lying if he said they weren't at least a bit exciting, especially in the small ragtag group he'd joined. Although they'd never exceeded petty crimes, the rewards were good enough, often softening the rough living ahead. For the first time in ages, Aegis found his place in the world.   One evening, the grind went a bit differently. Taking the road the chicken didn't cross, he came across what seemed to be dwellings plain in look, but seemingly ornate in aura. Allured-- both from what it gave off and the small personal garden that caught his eye-- he approached. And it went off as another routine visiting this dwelling, mostly to catch a free meal from its garden. But one evening, the capricorn found himself in deep, passing out and awaking in what felt like the smallest room he'd ever been in.   In came Tazumia, an eccentric satyr, rather peeved to find the culprit behind her failing garden. Upon capture, the satyr, unlike her human counterparts, took this as an opportunity. Long had she taken to liking tales of a mentor taking on a troubled youth and turning them into something bigger. It made for a good life, but unfortunately, in the middle of this fantasy, she caught the capricorn seemingly eating one of her books. A 400 year old book of charms, gone. Oh well. This one would just have to do.   Now raised by a somewhat better influence, Aegis found a change in demeanor and self discovery. They learned more about what it meant to function in a society, and if not functioning, then how to adapt to one. Upon their second birthday, they were given the chance to truly learn how to do so, aka Tazumia picking a word out of the hat and running with it. "Music", it said. And music it would be. Though slow to pick it up, Taz's offbrand education proved to be effective enough, giving them the skill to, if possible, use music for profit. Rarely would it ever be a reality, however, as the enjoyment of it was good enough.   Upon turning 6, however, things would change, for better or for worse. One evening, Tazumia would find her garden being tampered with yet again, though upon leaving to investigate, she simply never came back. Left behind the shattered dwelling would be stains of an unheard struggle, one that to this day, Aegis simply couldn't figure out what had happened. Word would soon spread, though for the most part, all the capricorn had on their mind was mourning and, eventually, moving on.   And move on they did. They continued their education, albeit slowly and mostly done through whatever readings they could understand, and even took to performance, the small occupation their parents had dreaded. It isn't uncommon to see trouble still following them, whether it be unintentional pottery shop destruction or being unable to enter some places without ducking. But to Aegis, those are the cards life deals them.

Gender Identity

Agender, but isn't opposed and often leans towards masculine identifications.


Pansexual, but is very much uninterested.

Accomplishments & Achievements

2 month champion of not hitting their horns on something.

Failures & Embarrassments

Now currently on a 6 month streak of hitting their horns on doorways.

Morality & Philosophy

Neutral good.


Family Ties

Mother: Una   Father: Fiynn   The status of both are unknown.   Guardian: Tazumia   Tazumia is presumed dead.
Year of Birth
2178 8 Years old
Light orange and rectangular pupils.
6'6'', though the horns add at least half a foot.
160 lbs
Known Languages
Common and Sylvan.

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