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They might save the Empire or they might trample it beneath their hooves. There’s a lot of that going around.

Basic Information


A human torso beginning at the withers of a horse body. Two human arms with four horse legs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Centaurs age and have lifespans similar to that of humans, though their young mature much more rapidly in order for them to be able to stand and walk within days of being born.

Dietary Needs and Habits

With an omnivorous diet, centaurs are known to eat a vast variety of food thanks to a typically hunter-gatherer lifestyle for those of hoof bands, while hand clans are more known for farming and raising livestock. Contrary to popular belief, centaurs are unable to eat hay or grass for any nutritional benefit.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Centaurs divide themselves into two groups at the time of their coming of age: the hoof, and the hand. Those who choose the hoof are more in tune with their nature as horses, living in nomadic bands and fighting for glory and spoils, referring to their own as horses and their leaders as great stallions and mares. While those who choose the hand find more comfort in their human nature and live in settled clans, fighting alongside The High Druid and The Dragon Empire.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

Those who chose the hoof prefer to go without clothes, while those who chose the hand will often wear light, non-restrictive clothing.


As the High Druid gains or loses power, the centaur population increases or decreases in tune. In the 13th Age with the High Druid's powers increasing, there is a resurgence of centaurs throughout the continent.

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