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Dawson Dantares

Mister Dawson Dantares (a.k.a. Daws, Dawsie, Ya Big Goof)

Where the sun is still struggling to rise on the horizon, the steady sound of hooves and creaking turning of wheels on stone echoes out in the sleepy outskirts of town. A figure followed by the breadth of a wagon is cut against the morning light.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He cuts an imposing silhouette, standing over 8 feet tall with both his human torso and horse body well-muscled. Speed, endurance, and agility are all captured inside of him thanks to his upbringing as a hoof centaur and the hard work he still does to this day.

Body Features

His skin is warm and full like mud baked under desert sun, with wavy umber hair. His coat is a golden, glossy tawny.

Facial Features

High cheek bones, a strong square nose, and a full beard.

Identifying Characteristics

A scar cuts through his right eyebrow down to his cheek, while another scar is spread from one cheek, over the bridge of his nose, to the other. He has a scar on his upper left abdomen and three claw-like gouges over his left shoulder.

Physical quirks

There is almost always a hint of a smile on his face. He tends to walk slowly when he has nowhere to be, but is very purposeful and will cover ground quickly if he has a task to complete.

Apparel & Accessories

He prefers to go without clothes more often than not, but can often be found wearing at least a loose shirt with high-cut sleeves.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From a young age, Dawson was always known to wander. This suited his life among his band of fellow hoof centaurs well: nomadic and free, always on the move. But it became readily apparent that violence was not a force he wanted a part of, and so he abandoned his people to make his own path in The Dragon Empire. His first option was to join the fighting power of the Empire and follow the steps of other centaurs dissatisfied with their clans, but he instead found his place among the ranks of riders who traveled to the farthest reaches of the Empire and beyond to delivery letters and parcels.   He spent over a decade riding on behalf of the postal service, sating his wandering spirit and learning a little bit of everything the world has to offer, earning commendations and awards for his service along the way. During his travels, he even found the love of his life: a vaccataur named Sadie.   They eventually married, and Dawson's time with the postal service came to a close as his work kept him far from his wife. He went on to do smaller-scale deliveries and various odd jobs before he settled on opening and operating his own food wagon.

Gender Identity

Cis man, he/him pronouns




Once a rider for the Dragon Empire Postal Service (DEPS), Dawson was able to put his love of wandering to good use delivering packages and parcels all over the continent. Many years were spent traversing the toughest terrain, grueling weather, and encountering more than his fair share of highywaymen. It was hard work, but he enjoyed being able to explore and run as he pleased to get the job done.   Eventually, he retired from his days as a postal rider to stay closer to home with his wife, but found the itch to wander strong enough to look at his options: in short, he impulse-bought a food wagon.

Accomplishments & Achievements

His greatest achievements revolve around his good work for the DEPS. He's gotten many awards for his dedicated service in the line of duty, commended for his reliability and determination, and was given a hero's retirement.   Though in his opinion, his greatest achievement was marrying his wife Sadie.

Intellectual Characteristics

There is a very uncanny ability about Dawson to know where he is and now how to get where he's going. Some speculate that he's become familiar enough with the land during his time wandering, but he's also known to find his way through mazes, territory he's never been through before, and even living labyrinths. Maybe he's just that lucky, but he seems to know something.

Morality & Philosophy

Dawson is Neutral Good. He believes in doing good for everyone he can, and will go out of his way to help people along.

Personality Characteristics


The greatest desire he has is to be able to be a good husband to his wife. Beyond that, he does want to make his food wagon a successful endeavor for both his family and his crew. He also wants to make the world a better place by showing kindness wherever he goes.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Dawson's uncanny ability to never got lost is something he prides himself in, as well as his prowess with campfire cooking. That said, he isn't intelligent in the classic sense and it can run him into trouble.

Likes & Dislikes

His favorite color is green, loves to find a place he's never seen before, and enjoys quiet mornings watching the sunrise.   He absolutely hates people belittling him for his intelligence and competency.

Virtues & Personality perks

Though he doesn't always understand what's being talked about, he is very patient and a great listener. He very much likes to help where he can, and lending an ear is sometimes the best he can do. While he can have roundabout ways of getting there, he is always well-meaning and hopeful. All-around a positive man.

Vices & Personality flaws

He can be fairly stubborn, whether out of ignorance or not. Smoking is an admitted bad habit of his that he's trying to quit for Sadie's sake.
Brown - warm and friendly
Long, wavy, brown. Often tied back in a ponytail.
1300 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Elvish

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