Black Tide Clan Organization in The Dragon Isles | World Anvil

Black Tide Clan

The Black Tide Clan is a fearsome and notorious group of sailors, pirates, and manta-surfers who have made their home on the treacherous island of Kitanoshima. The clan is known for its viciousness and cunning, and has a reputation for being one of the most ruthless and dangerous groups in the Sea of Serpents. The clan is led by a fearsome pirate queen named Captain Shulang Black Tide, who hails from a long line of pirate queens with the same name. Captain Black Tide is a master strategist and a skilled fighter, and is feared and respected by her followers. She is rumored to possess the power to control the sea itself, and is said to have sunk many ships with a mere wave of her hand.   The Black Tide Clan's base of operations is a hidden cove on the rugged shores of Kitanoshima, where they keep their ships and loot. The cove is heavily guarded by the clan's warriors, who are skilled in both melee combat and ranged weapons. The clan's ships are fast and agile, and are feared for their ability to outmaneuver and overpower their enemies.   The Black Tide Clan is known for preying on merchant ships and other vessels that pass through the Sea of Serpents, and has amassed a vast fortune through their plundering. They are also rumored to have hidden treasures and powerful artifacts on the island, which they guard jealously and will kill to protect.   Despite their reputation as ruthless pirates, the Black Tide Clan has a strict code of conduct and a hierarchy of power. Members of the clan are expected to be loyal and disciplined, and those who break the code are punished severely. The clan also values strength and skill, and new members must prove themselves in battle before being accepted into the ranks.   The Black Tide Clan has a tense relationship with the other factions on the island, including the Xia Shogunate and the Lion's Share Confederacy. While they are willing to trade and cooperate with these groups, they are also quick to turn on them if they perceive any threat or disrespect. The clan is always on the lookout for opportunities to expand their power and wealth, and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.


The Black Tide Clan is organized into a hierarchical structure, with Captain Shulang Black Tide at the top as the leader of the clan. She is advised by a council of senior members, who are responsible for carrying out her orders and overseeing the various operations of the clan. Below the council are the rank-and-file members, who are divided into several groups based on their specialization and skills. These groups include the pirates, who are responsible for raiding and plundering ships; the manta-surfers, who use their mastery of the sea and their enchanted manta-ray steeds to patrol the waters around the island; and the scouts, who venture into the jungle to gather intelligence and track down enemies. Each group is led by a lieutenant, who is responsible for the training and management of the members within their group. The lieutenants report directly to the council, and are responsible for carrying out the orders of the captain and the council. The clan also has a number of support personnel, including healers, cooks, blacksmiths, and other skilled individuals who provide vital services to the clan.

The Black Tide never recedes

Controlled Territories


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