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Influence Dice

There must always be a balance between good and evil. Just ask the Moonshavians.


Influence dice are split into three different sets: The Resolve Pool, The Beast Pool, and Neutral Abilities. Each set has different abilities that the relevant group of people can use to spend dice in their pool.

At the beginning of the campaign, both pools start with one six-sided die. If one of the two pools end with two or more dice higher than the other pool, add a die to the lesser pool to represent the balance between good and evil attempting to even the odds.

The Resolve Pool

If a player accurately represents their bonds and/or ideals in difficult circumstances, it would be subject for awarding an additional d6 to add to the Resolve Pool. In addition, events that bolster the party and represent a light in the darkness such as self-sacrifice, kindness, or charity also call for additions to the Resolve Pool

Hasty Recovery. Spending one Resolve Die during a short or long rest allows a player to remove a condition or one level of exhaustion. If the player needs to make a saving throw during that rest, such as for a disease or poison, they may roll the Resolve Die and add that number to their saving throw.
Inner Strength. A player may spend a Resolve Die instead of a Hit Die to recover hp during a short rest or to activate any other ability that requires spending a Hit Die.
Final Push. Whenever a player fails a death save, they may spend two Resolve Dice to reroll that save.
I’ve Just the Thing. A player may spend any number of Resolve dice and roll them in order to immediately gain a single item with value equal to or less than twice the rolled total in gold pieces.
Blaze of Glory. The party may spend all six Resolve Dice to grant themselves superhuman strength and resilience for a single round. During that round all party members have advantage on all rolls, resistance to all damage, and any damage they deal is doubled.

The Beast Pool

When players take actions that darken the tone of the game or events such as encountering particularly evil creatures or witnessing something horrifying, the Beast Pool will be awarded an additional d6.

Bitter Disposition. The DM may spend one Beast Die in order to decrease the starting disposition of an NPC from Friendly to Indifferent, or from Indifferent to Hostile.
Death Rattle. When a player is reduced to 0 hp, the DM may spend one Beast Die and roll it. On a 5 or 6, that player immediately fails a death save.
Outnumbered. The DM may spend any number of Beast Dice at the start of an encounter to increase the number of creatures facing the party. For each die spent, the GM may add an additional creature with CR no greater than half the party’s average level, rounded down.
Affliction. By spending four Beast Dice, the forces of darkness cause a serious ailment to strike a party member. The DM chooses a Curse or Transformation that afflicts a character of their choice. If using a Transformation for this ability, the possibility should be raised at the start of the game to ensure that such an event is acceptable to everyone at the table.
The Beast. Should the pool reach six, the DM may spend all six dice in order to have the Beast manifest near the players’ location. This option may also be used to represent some other major threat based on where the party currently is. These events cause serious damage to the local populace and represent a major, continuing threat for the party.

Neutral Abilities

These abilities can be used by either side, expending the dice from their own pool.

Minor Fate. Roll one die and add the total to a single attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.
Bolster. Roll two dice and increase the maximum hit points of a creature by the total for eight hours.
Brutal Strike. Whenever a creature is hit by an attack roll, the attacker may spend two dice and inflict an additional condition on the target for one round. This condition may be bleeding, dazed, prone, or stunned.
Magical Flux. A creature may spend dice to mimic the effects of a spell. The level of the spell may be no greater than the creature’s proficiency bonus, and the creature must spend dice equal to one plus the level of the spell to be invoked. Cantrips count as 1st-level spells for the purposes of this ability.
Stroke of Luck. By spending two dice, the DM or a player may cause a minor alteration to the environment, such as adding a small item or feature, moving an existing object five feet, or slightly altering weather conditions or lighting. Examples would be a dropped weapon rolling out of reach or suggesting that phosphorescent fungi might bring a cave’s lighting up to dim light rather than total darkness.

Dark Bargains

In addition to these abilities, the DM has the ability to propose Dark Bargains to the players. The DM chooses a number of Beast Dice in their pool and proposes a course of action to a player. Should the player accept the bargain, the Beast Pool is reduced by the chosen number of dice and the player then proceeds to follow the suggested course of action. This allows the DM to introduce story elements and complications that the players may otherwise avoid, through the medium of demonic whispers and alien influences on the characters. This is a particularly useful avenue because it lets the DM leverage a character’s bonds, ideals, or flaws.


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