Naga Species in THE DREAMHUSK | World Anvil
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  • Natural Glider - Chrysopelea, or 'gliding serpent' nagas have the ability to glide thanks to their long, flexible bodies.
Ability Modifiers
  • +2 to Might.
  • 15 (Neutral)
  • Constrict - The naga constricts their enemy, squeezing as hard as possible, dealing 2d8 bludgeoning damage, plus their might (strength) modifier. This grapples the enemy. Each turn, the target may attempt to make a might (strength) saving throw of 10 or higher to escape. For every extra move the target remains grappled, they take an additional 2d4 bludgeoning damage plus their might (strength modifier).
  • Claw - The naga claws their enemy, dealing 1d4 slashing damage.
  • Venomous Bite - Venomous nagas may bite their enemy, and if they fail a resistance (constitution) saving throw of 10, they become envenomed, dealing them 1d4 poison damage for 5 turns.
  • Tail Sweep - The naga sweeps out with their tail, dealing 2d8 bludgeoning damage plus their might (strength) modifier, and knocking their target prone unless they make a reflex (dexterity) saving throw of 13 or better.
  • Poison.
Condition Immunities
  • Grappled.
  • None.
  • D - 17 (+3)
  • R - 16 (+3)
  • E - 15 (+2)
  • A - 16 (+3)
  • M - 19 (+4)
Hit Points
4d8 +Resistance Modifier.
  • Common.
  • Draconic.
  • Stealth.
  • Fast.

Basic Information


Chest: The chests of both genders of naga are completely flat, as naga are reptilian and do not require mammary glands.
Limbs: Naga possess two muscular arms, ending in prehensile (grasping), five-digited, clawed hands.
Tail: The recognized 'tail' of a naga is not a true tail. This part of the body contains ribs and organs. The tail of a naga is only the very end of their body, lacking organs and ribs. The recognized 'tail' is covered in scales, which can range from thin to thick, and shiny to rough, unlike the rest of their body, which is covered in a tough skin. As the 'tail' is covered in scales, the naga will need to periodically 'shed' (ecdysis) the outer layer to make room for stronger scales.
The 'tail' has two different forms of scales. Small, protective scales cover the top and sides of the tail. The underbelly is covered in longer, mobile, soft scales known as 'scutes'.
There is a singular vent at the bottom of their tail, which serves as a excretory opening, and leads into a cloaca.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction: Nagas reproduce sexually, and typically lay around 5 eggs per clutch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Age: Naga typically live from twenty-nine to sixty-eight years. The oldest recorded age is seventy-three.

Ecology and Habitats

Temperature: As naga are cold-blooded, they tend to prefer temperatures of 83 to 98 degrees Fahrenheit. Naga cannot survive in cold climates.
Habitat: While naga can be found in a variety of places, they prefer warm, wooded areas and open deserts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Diet: Naga are carnivores, and while they prefer meat, they can also eat dairy and eggs.
Habits: It's considered proper to cut food into smaller pieces, though naga are known for eating some food items whole.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Uses: Nagas tend to live solitary lives, far from other, non-naga communities, and therefore spend a majority of their time hunting and crafting things for themselves.

Facial characteristics

Facial Features: Naga tend to have sharp features and high cheekbones.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Attractiveness: For most naga, attractiveness is based on size and length. However, many also find cleanliness and ornamentation attractive.

Gender Ideals

Gender Ideals: While most naga seem feminine, some prefer to be more rugged and masculine.

Relationship Ideals

Relationship Ideals: Naga tend to be monogamous for the sake of protection, though they may have more than one partner, or prefer to be solitary.

Common Etiquette Rules

Common Etiquette: It is considered extremely rude to dirty a naga, as they value cleanliness highly. Many-a-spilled drink have resulted in fights breaking out.

Common Dress Code

Dress Code: Many naga prefer smooth, flexible, ventilated clothes, though they may layer a bit more on if they're going somewhere a bit cooler than they like.
Ornamentation: Naga have an affinity for jewelry, and tend to wear makeup if they expect to be seen.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Customs: If one is wronged, it is proper to engage in non-lethal battle with the offender.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Interspecies Relations: While naga don't tend to form prejudice against other species, it is uncommon to see an interspecies relationship, let alone for it to occur.
28 to 68 years.
Average Height
7'0" ft.
Average Weight
141 lbs.
Average Length
24'0" ft.
Average Physique
Muscular and slim.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin: The skin of nagas tend to be darker in color, though they can range from pale to ebony.
Scales: The scales of naga can have any number of patterns or colors, but scales tend to most commonly be brown or black in coloration.

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