Batu, My Best Friend Character in The Dreamweaver Isles | World Anvil
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Batu, My Best Friend

Dragonborn, the "Nobility" or Urdrax-Nar, not that there is much noble about the Shattered lands these days. What used to be great warlords and heroes, are now petty tyrants and bandit lords preying on each other and raiding other countries for small gain, if any. My tribe, the Ganzorig, is a small tribe, a memory of past honor and greatness reduced to hunters and warriors of some small renown. My father doesn't talk about the past, insisting we look to the future, but my mother told me stories about our ancestors. I would listen to her stories of the dragons we descended from and the wonders accomplished by the Urna-Gra. Now we hunt the sand worms and scavenge for scraps of past glory just to survive.   Few enough tribes have proper Dragonborn leading them these days and dark rumors come from Crown Ridge of rituals used to enslave the few magically inclined Dragonborn in order to secure more power. Slavery in general is rampant, with the greater tribes taking from the smaller and even some entire tribes have been enslaved and sold or used up. My sister was taken from us in such a way. During a night raid by a tribe of slaver's and scum she along with a handful of the younger generation were stolen from us. We tracked down the tribe and slaughtered them, but found our kin had already been sold and we had not the means to track them further. With his dying breath, the chieftain of this tribe told me my sister had been killed for resisting and trying to free the other slaves. Slavery had always been a part of life in Urdrax-Nar and I never questioned the right of the strong to take the weak until then. Now I understand that everyone, even the weak, deserve to live and die freely, not owned by cowards.   Since that day, a spark was lit inside me, we could not continue to live like this, the tribes could not continue to be like this, and the world SHOULD not be like this. I, along with a few friends from my tribe, ventured into the desert to find something that could change the fate of our people. We found what we believed to be the hope of our people was a deposit of Niter and Sulfur. A rare find for those that have the technology to utilize it. We brought our knowledge back to the clan, expecting to be praised for our finds, and instead were met with worry and fear. What if stronger tribes decided they wanted what we had, how could we protect it if we couldn't even protect our children. So we decide to leave the tribe, to gain personal power and make allies, the 4 of us left to find our way leaving to different countries.   When I informed my father of our decision, he was saddened, and fearful that he would lose both his children. In order to help protect me, he gave me his sword, passed down in our family for generations, the last relic of our ancestors.
- The Last Bio of a Great Friend

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