Followers of the Silver Star Organization in The Dreamweaver Isles | World Anvil
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Followers of the Silver Star

"Let her grace guide us to be better than those who came before us"

  The Followers of the Silver Star began as a small number of believers who were said to have witnessed the Night of Ascension on Harmony's Spire over seven decades ago. Since then Followers have spread like a wildfire across Castion, erecting shrines, temples and hopitals in the Starlit Maiden's name. The impact they have had on the country in such a short span of time has been nothing shy of staggering. Operating almost entirely on donations, the acolytes of the Starlit Maiden have gained a foothold in every major city and town in Castion. Often found healing and supporting the communities around their temples, the Followers have fostered a good reputation with those that are overlooked by the Jeweled Assembly and the seasonal shift of funds.    Temples to the Starlit Maiden are often also medical centers, shelters, or soup kitchens. While the central monastary that has been constructed on Harmony's Spire hosts champions and monks who patrol local communites and, more often than not, strike into neighboring Vahied to free indentured servants. This has casued more than a small number of diplomatic threats and retaliations for Castion, but little can be done, as The Followers of the Silver Star do not answer to any individual goverment, and tout themselves as an independant power. This has also spurred their banishment from both Vahied and Eprana, whose indentured servitude and caste systems respectively, make them prime targets for the Followers to recruit from.

Tenets of Faith


  • You must never perform acts anathema to the Starlit Maiden or willingly commit an evil act, such as murder, torture, or the casting of an evil spell.
  • You must never knowingly harm an innocent, or allow immediate harm to one through inaction when you know you could reasonably prevent it. This tenet doesn't force you to take action against possible harm to innocents at an indefinite time in the future, or to sacrifice your life to protect them.
  • Provide aid to the sick and wounded
  • Free others from enslavement and oppression
  • Find what life has to offer


  • Deny a repentant creature an opportunity for redemption
  • Knowingly Place a creature into enlsavement or oppression
  • Lie to, or betray those who have placed their trust in you

May the Silver Light Always Reach Us

The Followers in the Dreamweaver Isles

The teachings of the Followers of the Silver Star are relativly new to the Dreamweaver Isles just like they are in the rest of Ressoria, however Castion's proximity and control in the area have helped push their missionaries in the earlier waves of settlers to establish a foundation swifter and easier than everywhere else.

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