Introduction to the Dreamweaver Isles in The Dreamweaver Isles | World Anvil
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Introduction to the Dreamweaver Isles

An Era of Swashbuckling and Discovery

The Dreamweaver Isles is a region of the greater world of Ressoria, and inspired by my fascination with the real world Golden Age of Piracy, as well as other forms of media that i grew up around such as Where Loyalties Lie, Pirates of the Caribbean, Monkey Island, and Treasure Planet. The Isles have been rediscovered after centuries of being uninhabited,and the tales of what once was are now nothing but whispered myth. A dangerous and mysterious land of opprotunity for those willing to risk their lives to create something new from what remains here. A time when wooden sailing ships fight for superemecy, sea monsters and ancient magic haunt the ruins of the depths, and the discovery of blackpowder have begun to transform combat and industry across the world.  

Core Ideas & Questions

  • The history of the Dreamweaver Isles is lost to time, and all that remains is ruins and legend. What came before, what happened and what will happen with what is left?
  • The shadow of governance and authority is not so long here. Where the law is what people make of it, how different do they form cultures and communities so far from their original homes?
  • The greater world of Ressoria has just recieved its first God and as a patron of personal freedoms how does its influence take hold in these lands if they do at all?
About This Project
The main portion of this world, Ressoria, was actually started in 2019 as a homebrewed world for me and my friends to play D&D in. Although we played a wide variety of adventures in different settings before this, one of the most fun we ever played in was a homebrewed adventure that we called "Salty Sea Adventures". It was a fairly generic pirate adventure in a high fanatasy setting, but we still talk about it to this day with enthusiasm and frequently talk about recreating a similar adventure in Ressoria (which didnt exsist at the time of the original adventure). Unfortunately one of our group memebers passed away in early 2023 and it buckled my motivatiion to write for quite awhile, but I made myself a promise in his honor to get out of the funk and i'm using World Ember 2023 to push myself to complete that promise. So i hope when you read through this region and the other articles that are sure to come, that you get as much enjoyment out of it as we did. Thank you for reading!

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