Labiena Acilliana, Empress of Edros Character in The Dreamweaver Isles | World Anvil
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Labiena Acilliana, Empress of Edros

(a.k.a. Bee)

Born to a wealthy Edros military commander, Titus Lucretius, and a half-elf groundskeeper, Cloelia Aciliana. Labiena's father did not claim her, as the disdain for elves and their half-breed children at the time would have harmed his reputation. However growing up in a noble household she still got to take advantage of the resources at her distant father's disposal, such as combat training, personal tutors, and the large household library. Her younger half brother, Titus II, was the recognized heir to the house due to the laws of inheritance that were later overturned after The Nightfall and war of succession that followed it. Throughout The Nightfall and succession war Labiena assisted in influencing events including:
  • The cleansing the city of Transitus
  • The rallying of the Green Hand rebels
  • The slaying of the tyrant of Edros, Sovreign Veranius, and his lieutenants
  • The attempted rescue of Princess Juliana Veranius
  • The abolishment of old laws that kept elves adn their kin in poverty and servitude
After the end of this dark era and the overturning of the previous succession laws, it was discovered that Labiena Acilliana was the next heir to the throne through her fathers noble house, which she became the head of at the end of the war. She now rules Edros as it's empress after dividing up the country into a handful of duchies, which has improved the stability of the country as a whole after the Nightfall and subsequent war. On top of this she has succeeded in staibizing the relationship between Edros and Ulfyre, bringing a long time peace between the two countries that had not existed before for many many decades.
Current Status
Ruling Edros
Almond shaped light brown eyes
long band black, usually tied up in a ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light tan

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