Ley Lines of Ressoria Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Dreamweaver Isles | World Anvil
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Ley Lines of Ressoria

All across the Ressoria is a vast network of ley lines, naturally formed webways of magic that normally flow unseen to the average person. Each ley line carries its own specific manifestation of magical energy and bleed into the area around them. One ley line might contain the power to enhance divinations, while another forms a channel for the destructive power of a primal element. Regardless of a ley line's specific nature, its presence influences the world around it in subtle or overt ways. Often varying in size based on its strength, a ley line can be as small as a thread or as wide as entire countries, but most often are about the size of a large river. While a magical connection is required to percieve and interact with these ley lines, this does not necasarily refer to the ability to cast a spell, and can often be achieved with specialized devices.

Ley Line Nodes and Nexuses

Ley line nodes are the point at which multiple ley lines intersect. Incredibly rare and powerful, nodes provide those who tap into them access an increased level of power at a drastically increased cost to ones self. Enterprising individuals sometimes seek out nodes as sites to perform rituals to establish ley line nexuses. Such locations are jealously guarded by those who wish to claim the nexus's power, which is more easily accessed than a normal node and less dangerous.

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