Scyras, The Crimson Storm Myth in The Dreamweaver Isles | World Anvil
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Scyras, The Crimson Storm

"If you see red lightning on the horizon, flee, and pray to the Song for a swift retreat."

  While it is nothing but an old sailor's story to some, The Crimson Storm is very real to those that have lived to tell the tale. A gargantuan three-headed shark with the body of a squid that crackles with red lightning, ferocious crimson electrical storms usually herald its arrival; such violent bursts of electricity result from the creature's superconductive skin, which allows it to store energy from lightning strikes that it can then discharge at foes and victims alike. Only witnessed a handful of times, Scyras, The Crimson Storm has been described as terror to behold and the origins of this creature are a mystery like many things in the Dreamweaver Isles, but one thing that isnt a mystery is the dozens of ships reportedly sunken by it around the Kraken's Maw. Wreckage from these ships is never found, and many believe that the creature carries off its kills to a hidden lair somewhere. Ships, people, treasure, nothing is safe from the Crimson Storm's wrath.

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