Shattermaul, Guardian of Kings Item in The Dreamweaver Isles | World Anvil
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Shattermaul, Guardian of Kings

Forged from adamantine and imbued with the core essence of a primal earth elemental, the Shattermaul is a truly astounding feat of craftsmanship. First created by Grendel Ulfyre in an age long past, the Shattermaul was only supposed to be a prison for the Shard of Rogmoxus, the Earth Primus. After a long fought battle with the primal shard, Grendel cracked and sealed the elemental within the maul and swore to protect it so that the land will never again have to face sucha threat. Over time the Shattermaul gained a sort of conciousness, though wary at first, Grandel grew to bond with and accept this sentience as a companion. Eventually Grendel united the lands fo the north and formed the country of Ulfyre in his own name, becoming the first High King.   The Shattermaul has many powers that are yet unknown, but as of the current age it has displayed several abilities:
  • The Shattermaul has a sentience that remembers much of a time long past.
  • Striking objects or creatures with the Maul sends out shockwaves of force that can send them flying
  • Mold earth and stone into objects like armor and shields
  • Casue small earthquakes when rapidly striking the ground
The Shattermaul now resides in the hands of the current High King, Thorin "Frostbeard" Oakenvale, who recovered it from Grendel's tomb in the maw known as the Beast's Cradle. It's ancient sentience has slowly begun to open up to the dwarf king and reasert itself as the Guardian of Kings.

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