The Crystal Stela Myth in The Dreamweaver Isles | World Anvil
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The Crystal Stela

The Nix Coronatus Stela

The first recorded Crytal Stela was discovered by a group of freelancers who reportedly found it in a series of ruins below Nix Coronatus, the largest mountain in central Edros, during the Crooked Crown Rebellion in (Insert Date Here). Upon the face of this crystal disk a silver relief of dozens of humanoid figures clash against, what is believed to be, beings made of the raw elements, as beings made of gold stare down from above and survey the carnage below. The elemental creatures depcitions are rendered in various precious stones such as ruby, sapphire, diamond, and emeralds. Extensive studies of the ruins below the mountain have taken place over the following years but research has been held onto closely by the current Sovreign's academic scholars.

The Gan-Zorig Shards

Discovered during Urdrax-Nar's Iron Crusade in the year (Insert Date Here),it came to the attention of scholars that some of the weapons and armors wielded by warriors of the Gan-Zorig tribe were created using shards of a Crystal Stela. It is unknown where the shards came from originally as they have been passed through the tribes ancestors for generations, and there is a significant amount of the Stela still missing. However a more pressing question is how the Stela came to be shattered, as all attempts to chip or crack a Crytsal Stela before ended in failure. Information has been near impossible to collect on the Gan-Zorig Shards; each weapon or piece of armor created with the shards is a priceless artifact culturally within the tribe and they refuse to let outsiders come anywhere near them outside of direct combat.

The Vahied Stela

A Crystal Stela was confirmed to be in the holdings of the Vahied goverment in (Insert Date Here), but other than confirmation of it's exsistence nothing else is currently known of its status at this time. Requests have been made by a number of intellectual communities to gain access to it for study and documentation, but almost all are denied and those that have been accepted do not return from their expeditions to Vahied. Inquiries about the missing scholars are always met with a denial of their arrival or similar explanation.

Physical Appearance

A chunk of unidentified, semi-transparent, teal green crystal that has been magically shaped into a disk approximately 7 feet tall, 5 feet wide, and 2 feet thick. Three Crytsal Stela have been recovered from an assortment of strange locations across Ressoria, and each depict the relief of a different scene. These scenes are made up of gold or silver that appears to be have been created and then encased in the crystal substance, making them nearly immune to natural degredation as well as physical and magical harm.

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