The Jeweled Assembly Organization in The Dreamweaver Isles | World Anvil
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The Jeweled Assembly

The ruling body of Castión is made up of five major merchant houses known collectively as the Jeweled Assembly. Each house was instrumental in funding and providing resources to the revolution that seperated what is now known as Castión, from the empire of Valrak to the south east. Each house is a political power in their own right both within the country and outside of it, and have their hands in a number of interests, with some being more specialized than others. The Jeweled Assembly are represented by the heads of each house or an approved representitive who is generally another memeber of the same household.   Other than collecting taxes and the other obligations of office, four times a year regional officials are allowed to put forth requests for assistance to be considered by the Assembly. This usually includes things like construction funding requests, military aid, tax re-negotiation, or general policy proposition, and usually a small number of these are chosen to become the focus of the next season. Often times this leads to disputes between regional officials and the Assembly on the investment choices season by season, however as the general wealth and power of the country has increased over time since their independance, these arguments go largely ignored.    

The Five Major Houses


House Bandúz

(Assembly Representitive: Frederick Bandúz)   Import and Export trade is the name of the game for House Bandúz. With an expanding market for exporting goods to other countires like Melus and Edros, and the movement of goods within Castión itself, House Bandúz has been collecting gold hand over fist from the other houses from trading taxes. They have used this increase in profits to begin moving in on House Akaitz's shipping domination in Castión. This has created a more competitive market for getting things transported where only a monopoly existed before.  

House Arrosia

(Assembly Representitive: Luis Arrosia)   House Arrosia is the leading force of textiles, arts, and culture in Castión. The creation, refinement, and exportation of dyes and Dream Spider silk have made them the second wealthiest house of the Jeweled Assembly. They are also the patrons of many artists and cultural events that take place across the country, often funding and coordinating festivals, art exposés, and formal duels for the entertainment.  

House Akaitz

(Assembly Representitive: Rosa De'maritza Akaitz)   The wealthiest house in Castión and for good reason. House Akaitz holds an almost unrivaled grip on naval trade to places all over Ressoria. From Edros, to Ulfyre, all the way around to Eprana and Urdrax-Nar, House Akaitz's merchants export and import goods from all over, bringing wonders never seen before on this side of the continent. There is not a single industry that they do not have at least a share of at this point.  

House Karómis

(Assembly Representitive: Marco Karómis)   House Karómis is the wall that stands between Castión and their enemies. Masters of discipline and tactics, House Karómis are responsible for the defense of the borders and many of the most significant places in the country. They are the opposite side of the coin from House Elerón who handle the day to day enforcment of law, while House Karómis is more akin to the military and internal affairs. Though they have intrests in many industries, they are primarily funded by other houses who defer to their training and expertise.  

House Elerón

(Assembly Representitive: Maria Elerón)   Law and order is the backbone of the Elerón family. While also having a vested interest in other industries like mining, and engineering; House Elerón is most known for the education and enforcement of the law. Almost every senior judge, marshal, and legal officiant, is a member of or protectorate under the Elerón family. Production of arms and armor comes at a close second, though a majoirty of the goods produced go towards arming the guard garrisons in towns and cities.

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