Thorin "Frostbeard" Oakenvale, High King of Ulfyre Character in The Dreamweaver Isles | World Anvil
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Thorin "Frostbeard" Oakenvale, High King of Ulfyre

Thorin Frostbeard, wielder fo the mighty Shattermaul, and High King of Ulfyre by virtue of a legendary labor. Once the son of the jarl in the Oakenvale, Thorin took over the position after the disappearance of his father and mother. To secure more influence and resources for the Oakenvale he traveled to Edros and participated in the Nightfall and War of Succession, creating bonds of friendship and politics with the now Empress of Edros, Labiena Acilliana. This is but one of the many deeds performed by Frostbeard, and would form the foundation for his bid to become High King. When the council of jarls assembled to cast their support for position, Frostbeard entered the chamber and presented the legendary Shattermaul, an artifact recovered from the tomb of Grendel "Stoneborn" Ulfyre, first high king. Who's tomb had been swallowed by the Beast's Cradle upon its formation. Thorin would then go on to form a peace agreement with Edros after the War of Succession, finally ending the on again, off again wars between the two countries, and opening a path of aid to help secure the Beast's Cradle. Thorin continues to rule to this day, displaying a supernatural resistance to aging, possibly steming from the Shattermaul, though this is unknown at this time.

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