Vahied Organization in The Dreamweaver Isles | World Anvil
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Once a mighty nation who conquered much of the western side of Ressoria, Vahied has been reduced to a shadow of its former strength. When the people of Castion rose up from servitude and broke away from them it shattered a centuries long empire and dissolved much of their power. Sensing an opprotunity, the warlords of the southern nation of Urdrax-Nar began to heavily raid the farming lands of Vahied, furhter reducing the countires stability. This has led to a shift in politics, where before strength was measured in military might, now Vahied battle out their need of land through subterfuge and politics.   Vahied is ruled by Xerdel Vahied, self proclaimed god-king, who has ruled for as long as anyone alive can remember. He never seems to age, get ill, or suffer from the effects of age regardless of how long he has been alive. With these centuries he has amassed a vast collection of magical knowledge and a fortune of unknown size, though it is certainly vast. Much of the regions economy is carried upon the backs of indentured servitude and merchant trade, a fact that has gained them little favor with neighboring regions, as Vahied has a made it a habit of acquiring these servants from outside of their own borders. To an unsuspecting outsider however the people of Vahied show a great display of harmony with the land around them, often their buildings and infrastructure are deeply entwined with nature, forming beautiful magic infused cities and a colorful culture.

Regions of Vahied

  Well of Harmony - The Well of Harmony exists as a sort of focal point for the Song. A vast crater with no bottom that sits within the savannah, spiraling down into the unknown. All along its downward cylinder are holes of varying sizes that hum and whistle with rhythmic music as air passes through the pit and these wall gaps. Being a people that are culturally in tune with the Song itself on many levels of their society, Vahied has built a large holy site around the area and are said to draw great magics from it that protect their lands.

Vahied in the Dreamweaver Isles

The discivery of the Dreamweaver Isles represents a massive opprotunity for Vahied, who requires more resources and commodoties to trade that other countries cannot gain access to easily. Several small settlements have sprung up on various islands around the Isles, however Castion has mostly prevented a full colonization effort from occuring. Though it is said that agents of the Yah-aras have spread and infiltrated ports and ships of all kinds across the isles, ever watching and waiting to further their god-kings goals.

Climate & Geography

Much of Vahied is sprawling savannahs rich with wildlife with a few dense jungles in it's northern zones near the mountains. Underground rivers and reservoirs have made some parts of the land farmable almost year round as autumn and winters are very tame, however summers are lacking in rain and often feature droughts.

Yah-aras, Agents of the God-King

Also known as "The Whisper Guards", are the long armed shadow of Vahied's God-King. This secretive organization is known for disrupting the operations of other nations through assassinantions, sabotage, kidnapping, and forgery. Information on members of the Yah-aras is tightly guarded, and it is widely believed they masquarade as everyday citizens hidden among the population. This has lead to the also widely used saying "Even the wind whispers", meaningthere are ears everywhere, and not far behind,a knife.

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