Darwell Settlement in The Duchy of Fradris | World Anvil
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Darwell - The Capital of Dabren

  Darwell is the capital of Dabren, situated in the centre of Fadris.


Darwell currently has no government leading it. Since the civil war, the mayor and all politicians' in the city, fled out of Dabren, possibly to The Scattered Isles.


Since the civil war, Darwells defences have been severely weakened and the city is very vulnerable.

Industry & Trade

Darwell has gotten rich from its exports of wine. The city is situated in a hotspot for farming in general, being able to feed its population and export goods to other parts of the Duchy.


The Defence Quarter

Was the previous home of the Darwellian military. Now all but abandoned due to the lack of leadership. Thieves and outlaws now reside here.

The Residential Quarter

Where a majority of the population live. Most of it is a slum.

The Wine Quarter

Home of the wine industry.

The Palace Quarter

Where the mayors palace is. Now abandoned.
Inhabitant Demonym

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