Frodwell Settlement in The Duchy of Fradris | World Anvil
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Frodwell - The Capital of The Far-Lands

A solitary haven in the sea.


Frodwell famously has a moat around the city walls and a raised bridge that only lowers for trade. The city is very safe due to large amount of military patrols both outside and inside the city.

Industry & Trade

The main export of Frodwell is fish, due to it being a port city. A fisherman is a very common job in Frodwell, most are expected to become one once of age.


Frodwell has some of the best infrastructure in Fradris. Due to their large fishing exports, the local government is able to fund the city. Homes are all made of reliable stone, the roads are paved, and buildings are secure. Everyone in Frodwell lives in a safe home, and their are no slums in the city.


The Port District

Where the fishing industry thrives.    

The Market District

Home of trade in the Far-Lands    

The Nobility District

Where the entire population lives, there are no slums.    

The Amphitheatre District

Due to the immense wealth of its population, the local government invested in an entire district dedicated to entertainment, including the famous Frodwell Amphitheatre.


  • Map of the Far Lands
Inhabitant Demonym

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