The Distant Lands Geographic Location in The Duchy of Fradris | World Anvil
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The Distant Lands

The Distant Lands

Origins of the Humans.   The Distant Lands are a far out continent in the world. Due to Fradris being trapped in a circle of the Frozen Wasteland, no Humans have managed to venture to the Distant Lands. The Humans first arrived from The Distant Lands on Fradris millennia ago, through unknown circumstances. This much is known about the Distant Lands and the arrival of Humans on Fradris.   It is rumoured that The Distant Lands are where all races reside, such as Elves, Dwarves, etc; and that is the place of origins for all races on Fradris.   The Distant Lands, due to no Fradesian having ever gone there, are uncharted and the exact borders for the different nations of the Distant Lands are unknown. Many have guessed, but they are certain that the Humans have the most land, Elves have the second most, and the Dwarves and Giants have land too.    The north of the lands lays the home to a large desert, with huge sand dunes, the centre of the lands lay a single lonely mountain, the home of the Dwarves. The Elves have a huge green luscious forest land and the giants have a large, hilly grey wasteland to reside in. The Humans have deserts, marshes, wastelands and grasslands.    It is uncertain if wars have been waged in the Distant Lands or not.

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