The Duchy of Fradris in The Duchy of Fradris | World Anvil
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The Duchy of Fradris

The Duchy of Fradris

The Duchy of Fradris is a small, solitary nation tucked away deep into the Frozen Wastes. Fradris consists of twelve, independent and separate territories. These are -
  • Ustad
  • Uthgad
  • Obresh
  • Dabren
  • Fradris
  • The Far-Lands
  • The Scattered Isles
  • Oplor
  • Faredrin
  • Cathedun
  • Catharia
  • Oplar
  • The population of Fradris, and these twelve territories, consists mainly of Humans. Although, there is a small population of Elves living in The Scattered Isles, due to the isolation from the mainland, where they are widely hated and actively hunted, especially during The Cleansing- the reason behind the small population.   Fradris is built of large, luscious forests, expanding grassy plains, swampy marshlands (near the Ubresh area) and tropical beaches (The Scattered Isles). Due to the wide variety of terrains, the Duchy has benefited from having a wide array of natural resources. The each territories have their own industry, for example: Oplor is heavily focused on fishing; while Uthgad mainly benefits off of farming (such as wheat).   Although ridden with many resources, Fradris has no-one but itself to trade with. Due to its borders being in the Frozen Wastes, it has been unable to reach the other far out nations of the world. Due to the isolationism, many of Fradris' population do not even know what is to be found beyond their borders.

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