The Frozen Mountains Geographic Location in The Duchy of Fradris | World Anvil
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The Frozen Mountains

The Frozen Mountains - Protection Against the Cold


The Frozen Mountains is largest mountain range in Fradris, located to the north of the Duchy, it acts as a natural border against the expanding Frozen Wastes. The means that the northern provinces are thought to be safe from the Cold. The mountains are also very tall, with the tallest reaching 5,000m tall. No-one has ever conquered these mountains.   The mountains themselves are so frozen, that rocks can shatter, upon the smallest touch, many used to travel to the mountains, now, due to the Cold, travel is banned due to the threat that the Cold brings.


Due to the extremity of the height of the mountains, and the expanding Cold, there isn't much life to be found in the mountains. Before The Cleansing, the Dwarves of Fradris would make their underground fortress cities in the mountains, but due to their extinction, they are not to be found. Giants also inhabit the mountains, making their large wooden camps on the cliff-sides. This would prove to be useful during The Cleansing, when soldiers attempted to hunt the Giants down, but were unprepared for the mountains conditions.


As the Wastes expanded, people thought it would stop at the mountain range, they were wrong. Instead, entire mountains were frozen, and some even collapsed into the countryside, causing great earthquakes and landslides.
Mountain Range

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