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Abyssalite Tieflings

Slinking through the world, the Abyssalite’s are social animals who are constantly looking for their next indulgence. Born from demons, most often succubi or incubi, their natural and magical charms often disarm threats rather than engage. More than most Tiefling, they tend to slip more often into an outsiders behavior. Sin and vice pull on their heartstrings, debauchery beats in their hearts, and cruelty comes with more ease.  

Physical Description:

“If a Tiefling is attractive, they want something you can’t give them.” This saying is based on the Abyssalite characteristics and personality. Whether with exaggerated sexual characteristics, or with diminished ones making them appear almost androgenous, Abyssalites are always attractive. Their impulsive, greedy nature tempers that attractive nature with caution. Abyssalite’s often have unique eyes that draw the attention of most people.  


Reputable work is almost impossible for an Abyssalite to obtain. First because most places do not want someone who is as unreliable as an Abyssalite, nor would an Abyssalite ever want such a blasé career. Most Abyssalites work outside the law or in roles most would consider obscene or reckless, and in general help perpetrate the overall expectation of Tieflings as criminals. This enrages Helltainted and disappoints The Lost, and keeps them the Abyssalites the black sheep they don’t mind being. While the occasional Abyssalite might ‘go straight,’ nearly everyone will assume they have a side hustle to fill their cravings.  


Abyssalites, in general, view races who base their lives on tradition and high expectations fascinating. They look for chinks in their moral armor, and often seduce members toward a life with more vice, or as they call it indulgence. This tends to keep them on the outskirts of any society that rejects their ideas of fun. Though other part human races often try to empathize with them, most that do get caught in their web of intrigue and regret it. Most shrug off the disdain of society, as they continue to crave for what they want in life.  

Alignment and Religion:

While vice in general is endearing toward the Abyssalite, there is usually a single act that grants them the most pleasure. Gluttonous Abyssalites are prone to worshiping Urgothoa, the lustful worship Calistria, and so forth. Abyssalites are likely either evil or chaotic, and sometimes both if it is the best way to achieve the pleasure that they seek.  


Amazing Bards and Sorcerers and occasional rogues and witches the Abyssalites often enjoy a life on the road, looking for their next big thing. Having sex on a dragon’s hoard, eating in the finest inn in each country, killing a beautiful rival. Most Abyssalites have a bucket list in their head of great joys they want, and usually for every one they cross off two more occur to them, and an adventurer’s life offers so many opportunities.    

Stats Block

Ability Score: (+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis) Abyssalite are slick and smart but their demonic influence makes them impulsive.   Type: Abyssalite are outsiders with the native subtype.   Size: Abyssalite are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.   Speed: Abyssalite have a base speed of 30 feet.   Languages: Abyssalite begin play speaking Common and Abyssal. Abyssalite with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Grippli, Halfling, Infernal, and Orc.   Fiendish Resistance: Abyssalite have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5.   Darkvision: Abyssalite can see perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet.   Fiendish Sorcery: Abyssalite sorcerers with the Abyssal bloodlines treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities.   Hypnotic: Abyssalite add +1 to the DC for all saving throws against spells or effects they cast that inflict the fascinated condition. Once per day, when a creature rolls a saving throw against such an effect from a Abyssalite, the Abyssalite can force that creature to reroll the saving throw and use the second result, even if it is worse.   Beguiling Liar: Many Abyssalite find that the best way to get along in the world is to tell others what they want to hear. Abyssalite practice the telling habitual falsehoods granting them a +4 racial bonus on Bluff checks to convince an opponent that what they are saying is true when they tell a lie.  
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