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Ajaran Elves

After the Siege of South Ajara, and the burning of the wilds past the Red Wash River, some events caused a metamorphosis in the Ajarans. Where once they were linked by an almost hive mind, cursed to see horrifying visions by some tainted magical power, they were freed. While these Elves meditate rather than sleep whatever force that kept them from wanting to leave was expunged. Natural walkers in the wild Ajara jungle, this less educated folk who have migrated to the Dycides have found a home with a nation that has no current bias against them.  

Physical Description:

Like all elves the Ajarans are taller than humans, but also boast a rather robust frame and often muscles to match it. Traditionally their hair is brown, but other tones have begun to appear in the new generation. They prefer little in terms of finery, believing indulgences like jewelry serve no functional use and therefore have no value in it. There are no Ajaran Elves who have fallen out of their peek conditioning as through their rigorous beliefs those weak are those that die.  


Ajaran society has changed. In recent years they have become more adventurous and willing to leave their land and are beginning to integrate with ‘the outside folk.’ Every Ajaran holds every other member of their people in a familial sense, welcoming their newly made homes in their new homeland. A very differently than in the past their half-blooded children no longer are stigmatized for their heritage but welcomed for it. Most view this with some relief, because another group of elves hating half elven folk wasn’t needed in the Dycides.  


Most people find the Ajarans a fun but dull member of their social structure. Many see cities as places of strange wonders, taking an uncommon joy in understanding what city folk take for granted. That being said any city with Ajarans likely has a few tales of bar room brawls, as slights are taken sometimes very poorly. Additionally general bit of advice for the common men of Dycides, don’t be a flirt or a tease, Ajaran women take what they want. Any race with a sense of great culture or that seek academic lifestyles looks down on these more ‘primitive’ people. If an Imperial Elf spoke their mind to an Ajaran, let’s just say it would not end well.  

Alignment and Religion:

The worship of nature herself often is the center of the Ajaran lifestyle. Respecting the hunt, living in mother Ajara’s embrace, knowing the breath of the wind, these traditions are cultural imperatives. Since the immigration began, sensibly Gozreh and Erastil have become accepted as new foster dieties. Some also see Shelyn as worthy of praise for the Ajarans see the world itself as a beautiful canvas painted by every tree and grass. Other Gods are less likely to be embraced, but not unheard of, due to a general polytheistic viewpoint seeing Gods in every tree and flower. Alignment wise their cold indifference toward the world is fading, wanting to join it in a new way has pushed more Ajarans who emigrated toward Good natures.  


Having been surrounded by a dangerous jungle of life and death, adventuring is nothing new for the average Ajaran. While Ajarans fair well as barbarians, druids and fighters, those who have grown part of their lives in the Dycides make capable monks, clerics and champions. Willingness to contribute to a whole is a well held belief among Ajarans, and a guild of adventuring is often a good haven to ensure they are given an honest cut of any gold earned. Some have even gone as far as the Red Market as Slayers, but often want to speak to those that place bounties, to be sure the mark has earned their death.  

Stats Block

Ability Score: (+2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Int) Ajarans are powerful with keen awareness but lack formal education.   Size: Ajarans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.   Type: Ajarans are Humanoids with the elf subtype.   Base Speed: Ajarans are naturally fast and have a base speed of 40 feet.   Languages: Ajarans begin play speaking Common and Elven. Ajaran with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Draconic, Giant, Gnome, Grippli, Orc, and Sylvan.   Elven Immunities: Ajarans are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.   Keen Senses: Ajarans receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.   Woodcraft: Elves know the deep secrets of the wild like no others, especially secrets of the forests and jungles. Ajarans gain a +1 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks. In forest or jungle terrain, these bonuses improve to +2.   Weapon Familiarity: Ajarans are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), and shortbows (including composite shortbows).   Low-Light Vision: Ajarans can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.   Stalker: Perception and Stealth are always class skills for Ajarans.  
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