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Primary Stats/Alignment:

Main Stats - Dexterity, Intelligence   Roles - DPS, Party Support, Healer  

Class Basics:

Alchemists have three primary tools in their arsenals. Bombs are thrown explosives, Mutagens allow a stat buff towards physical combat, and Extracts which take the role of spells. Usually Alchemists specialize in one or two of these skills using their discoveries, which they gain every other level. They also have abilities related to poisoning or crafting basic alchemical items.  

History in Dycides:

Alchemists are most often crafters of wares in ages past after the fall of the age of dragons. The alchemist as a people built for waging war began in the age of invasion. As the series of threats expanded along the borders of the land, alchemists were forced into war, injecting themselves with mutagens, and crafting bombs to save their homeland. Since those frightening times alchemists still wanting to feel the rush of combat have kept their place on the battlefield.  

Religious Influence:

Alchemists tend to have their religious views depending on their homeland. That said most alchemists and other crafters who use magic send prayers to the Bronze Lady, Brigh. Small organizations of Brigh worship dot the lands of the Dycides but few non-creators celebrate in them. The head of these places of worship are known as Clockmothers or Clockfathers, and are as often Alchemists as Clerics. The holy text, ‘Logic of Design’ is a well worn guide in most lawful or neutral alchemist workshops.  


+ to ++ (Slightly Positive to Positive)   Most alchemists are driven to discovery, and through greater knowledge comes advancement. The Dycides are mostly fans of advancing world, and the average person would like to see greater ease in life. Through tindertwigs becoming so common that the use of flint and tinder is rarely needed, alchemists alone have helped the world change for the positive. Most alchemists can apply for grants from their city to establish workshops under the expectation they will craft a certain amount of supplies for the city yearly, and such a living situation is often advantageous for alchemists trying to advance their craft.  



Foregoing the bombs that other Alchemists use, the Vivisectionists of Davos use knowledge of anatomy to disassemble enemies with great skill. Their experimentation on animals and ability to create disturbing half person half animal creations make most feel uneasy. Most people assume their school was located in this isolated Southern island is due to it’s remote nature, while others see it as alchemists from Ethium trying to gain a foothold in the Dycides. The location of the school seems unknown to most but the most informed on the island.  


From the Caldera of the Red Crater, a new Alchemist tradition has burst from the Family of Flame. The Beastmorph do not pursue poisoning but further augment their mutagens turning them into new more bestial forms. Gaining a strange mixture beastial traits allows them to sense their environment better or eventually fly or fight with animalistic intensity. Few visit the Caldera, but some do leave it, the red eye on their forehead and a disturbing perspective on the Dycides ever-present.  


The Alchemists of the Pillar Corridor are not going to let the invention of the gun be their only mark on the world. Instead the Mindchemists have turned their mutagens inside out, converting them into aids for the mind at the expense of the body. Their minds honed to near perfection memorize information with a voracious nature those Mindchemist that leave the Pillar Corridor feel only fulfilled when they understand all things in the world.  


The Chirurgeon college in Old Dycides has set a standard in their education of new alchemists, healing before harm. Chirurgeons give up poisoning skills as they view them as a dishonorable attack against an enemy. In return they study healing magic and learn how to complete surgical extractions that even Clerics would fail to solve. They can also share their healing potential as infusions earlier in the day as potions that can be handled by non-alchemists and used with ease to keep their allies on their feet. Generally called Doctors, Chirurgeons raise themselves to a higher calling and are respected for it.  


(Note: There are two versions of this archetype, make sure you use the one from the Monster Codex)   As the Age of Invasion began the Genadiers were the first to come out of the land now called Kervosh and defend their nation. They are true masters of the bomb, able to manipulate the way it impacts to cause greater chaos on the battlefield. They also have a martial tradition, able to use a wider variety of weapons and apply alchemical liquids and powders easily instead of poisons. Since the takeover of Kervosh, the Great Reclaimer has told any that follow this school of alchemy will serve in her military or face the sword. Some may have escaped the purge but many died or willingly became her weapons of war.  


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